After a wobble, I found my footing. And the house found me.
English countryside
How I Found the House
Why I Bought a House in the Cotswolds
Cotswold Diary, Note 8
Warning: This post has more I’s in it than a Donald Trump debate transcript. Excuse me (and I), but I reckon a personal question asks a personal answer, so here it is: Why did I buy a house in the Cotswolds? If you follow my wildly sporadic posts, you may recall that last summer I… Continue reading Why I Bought a House in the Cotswolds
Cotswold Diary, Note 8
Cotswolds Diary, Day 3
Pinching myself to be here after nearly killing myself to get here driving on the left. Not really… but two loud and rather disturbing encounters with curbs and upclose inspections of hedgerows, some of which are now intrinsic parts of my rented automobile. A little Audi almost station wagon, good for toting painting gear. My… Continue reading Cotswolds Diary, Day 3