Is the Camino Calling You?

Are you on your path? In alignment with where you are and where you want to go? As the New Year wears in, our resolve may wear thin, our clarity may dim. Or maybe we are making it too hard.   Many who walk the Camino de Santiago find it is a way to their path, and… Continue reading Is the Camino Calling You?

Notes from the Camino 2023

The Camino challenges, surprises, amuses, annoys, and ultimately heals. The Camino give you what you need. Especially if we heed the signs along the way, literal and metaphorical, and sometimes they are both. The Camino always delivers, and faithfully it did again this past April. Hollye Jacobs and I lead two groups this year, during… Continue reading Notes from the Camino 2023

Finding Relief in a World of Panic

I confess to a strange sensation amid a world in the panic of epidemiological meltdown: relief, a curious lightness of spirit borne of surrender. At the end of the day we HAVE NO IDEA what’s going to happen in our lives, in our medical labs, or in our financial markets. So think about this: Having no idea is having every idea. When you have no fixed beliefs, then you are open to every every possibility. The Buddhists call it “don’t-know mind,” an elevated state of awareness.