Best Books for Fall, According to The Glam Pad… and I Agree ;)

A gorgeous fall table setting from Alex Hitz's Art of the Host

Dear Readers, This week I am merrily re-posting this gorgeous and if I do say so myself most discerning selection of great new lifestyle books for fall, including that of yours truly, which you may have heard about , cough-cough, and those of some of my dearest pals and design heroes. Put Ronda Carman, Lisa… Continue reading Best Books for Fall, According to The Glam Pad… and I Agree 😉

What a Month! Part 2-Santa Fe, Stomach Bug, SWAT Team, Quick Draw, La-La Land

Like I was saying, August posts have been a little light because August days have been a little busy. What I want to know is what happened to the “lazy days of summer”? Am I just a girl who can’t say no, or are we all just doing 72,000 more things than we used to do? What’s going on?

A Memoir-Cookbook You Must Have

Well I felt like a proud big sister all weekend about my buddy Alex Hitz making a big splash in The Wall by Golly Street Journal. Many of you probably fall upon the the paper’s Saturday Off Duty section like a teenager would Elvis’s room key–I do anyway–now that poor Elvis has left the building.… Continue reading A Memoir-Cookbook You Must Have

Got a Beef? Here’s Just the Thing:

Ooh, child, this is something good. And if you’re looking for the perfect Valentine’s Day dinner, you’ve found it. You can make it in advance, freeze it if you like, and it requires no last minute fiddling. But most importantly it would pair well with a chocolate dessert. A girl has her priorities. Alex Hitz,… Continue reading Got a Beef? Here’s Just the Thing: