Clarity Begins at Home, Workshop 2024

New Year, New You! Clear the clutter in your home and your head to make 2024 the year that your resolution to “get organized” gets real! Clear a path toward your purpose and an even more meaningful life. Join Barbara Reich and me in the return of our (super-popular!)  Clarity Begins at Home workshop on… Continue reading Clarity Begins at Home, Workshop 2024

Watercolor Workshop in Cornwall
October 6-11, 2024

Register for Painting in Cornwall   The dramatic cliffs and panoramic coastal views of Cornwall long to be captured by the artist’s vision (that would be you!), just as the the artist is captured by the windswept romance of this beloved  British county. For details and to register, click here, and please feel free to… Continue reading Watercolor Workshop in Cornwall
October 6-11, 2024

Clarity Begins at Home — Workshop Jan-Feb 2024

 The ordinary acts we practice every day at home are of more importance to the soul   than their simplicity might suggest. –Thomas Moore So you’ve decided to get organized? Or maybe just tidy and freshen up for the New Year? Begin with clearing the clutter in your head and in your home. Learn to… Continue reading Clarity Begins at Home — Workshop Jan-Feb 2024

Watercolor Workshop in the Cotswolds,
September 26-October 1, 2024

Join us this glorious, blooming spring as we again travel to paint and wander about the Cotswolds this September 26 to October 1, 2024. We can’t wait to get back to our beloved Cotswolds to paint again with the wonderful and talented teacher Andrew Hucklesby. . By us I mean virtuoso watercolorist, wonderful person, and… Continue reading Watercolor Workshop in the Cotswolds,
September 26-October 1, 2024

Come Paint with Us in Beautiful Britain!
Workshops in the Cotswolds and Cornwall

In the Cotswolds, September 26 – October 1, 2024 Register for Cotswolds  Announcing new watercolor workshops this coming spring and summer. Join instructor Andrew Hucklesby and me for plein air painting in the idyllic countryside and charming villages of the Cotswolds in September or along the sweeping and dramatic coastal cliffs and beaches of Cornwall… Continue reading Come Paint with Us in Beautiful Britain!
Workshops in the Cotswolds and Cornwall

Create Your Next Chapter

with Clarity and Purpose

  So delighted to announce this retreat September 6-8 at the Omega Institute in divinely beautiful Duchess County, New York.  Life’s relentless pull and inevitable upheavals can leave us questioning if we are where in life we ought to be, whether we’re walking the path we’re meant to walk. We may feel it is time… Continue reading Create Your Next Chapter

with Clarity and Purpose

Notes from the Camino 2023

The Camino challenges, surprises, amuses, annoys, and ultimately heals. The Camino give you what you need. Especially if we heed the signs along the way, literal and metaphorical, and sometimes they are both. The Camino always delivers, and faithfully it did again this past April. Hollye Jacobs and I lead two groups this year, during… Continue reading Notes from the Camino 2023

Paint the Cotswolds, May 14-19, 2023

Join us this glorious, blooming spring to paint and wander about the Cotswolds this May 14-19. By us I mean virtuoso watercolorist, wonderful person, and workshop teacher Andrew Hucklesby, and me. With our home base as the gracious and elegant Barnsley House and its fabulous gardens, spa, and excellent chef, we will learn, laugh, create, play, paint, and… Continue reading Paint the Cotswolds, May 14-19, 2023

Change Like a Butterfly–Getting to What’s Next and Finding Clarity in Chaos

Close-Up of Western Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly on Pink Conrflower. Photo via Getty Images

There is no butterfly that was not once a warm mess of caterpillar goo. And that caterpillar did not get from goo to gorgeous overnight, no she did not. But did she did fret over it? No. She embraced the cycle, as we can choose to do ourselves when change happens, as it does, whether we… Continue reading Change Like a Butterfly–Getting to What’s Next and Finding Clarity in Chaos

What Comes Next? Finding Clarity in the Chaos, Retreat at Omega, August 19-21

If by some unfortunate chance you are at NOW WHAT?  place in life, we’ve got you. Read on: First of all, I’m so sorry. Second, it is going to change. That much is certain. Even if it’s not okay, it’s your life, trust your journey. And third, we have a weekend for you. New and exciting… Continue reading What Comes Next? Finding Clarity in the Chaos, Retreat at Omega, August 19-21

Art of the Soul Retreat
Coming Soon

Your soul’s voice is your true self speaking. It is who you were born to be, your greatest joy and your deepest meaning.  In our Art of the Soul weekend retreat, we’ll explore a variety of fun, take-home-able, non-woo-woo tools and techniques to access your soul’s voice via mind, body, and spirit. And please feel free… Continue reading Art of the Soul Retreat
Coming Soon

Announcing New Workshops!

Email me at to inquire about workshops, and check the Workshops page for the latest.I’m happy to hear from you! Here’s what’s been recently and coming soon. What Comes Next? Finding Clarity in the Chaos  August 19-21, 2022 First things first, new and exciting: My Camino walking partner and friend Hollye Jacobs and I will lead a… Continue reading Announcing New Workshops!