Melba honey, if you see this, thank you again. And thank you, Delta.
News & Notes
Into the Woods With Designer John Oetgen
How about a cozy, contemporary cabin to snuggle into on a wintry day? Then snuggle in with this month’s issue of Veranda. “Cozy” and “contemporary” aren’t often best buds, but here is Atlanta designer John Oetgen showing us they indeed can be…
Principles are like prayers–noble, but awkward at a party.
Thought after that last post I might better lighten up a little. Praise the peerage, Downton Abbey is back on PBS and the dowager countess and coterie are as quotable as ever, maybe more so. You know by now that I pray and am all for it. It’s downright essential. But we have to meet… Continue reading Principles are like prayers–noble, but awkward at a party.
Sedona Sketchbook, Sacred Journey, Freezing My Arse Off, and Why It’s All Good
Of course the behind did not actually freeze off (alas), but it got mighty cold. And dark, a little out-there, occasionally woo-woo, at times awesome, and in the end wonderful. Warning: This is not a typical post, but as the dawn of a New Year is a quiet time after the storm of holiday mayhem, it seems a good time for musing about life and one’s place in it. Otherwise just enjoy the pictures. That is every bit as good.
Now Is a Good Time to Let Yourself off the Hook
I know you’re busy, but take 30 seconds to read this. You’ll be glad.
What was I thinking to take off the week before Christmas? I mean take off as in leave, check out, join 24 strangers to sit outside in the dark, meditate, and freeze my bottom off thousands of miles from Bergdorf Goodman. It had nothing to do with Christmas, and yet everything …
Great Gift Books About Beautiful Lifestyles
You can’t go wrong with a book, that’s the good news as we round the Christmas clubhouse turn. Here are a handful of design books, a history-style-picture book, a royal historical novel, and a charming how-to-live-a-lovely-life book by a fellow blogging friend.
Making a Little Space for Life
Have not forgotten you, nor fallen off ladder while decorating, nor been engulfed in Yule log flames, figurative or otherwise. Just been trying to make a little space for life. I’ve been out of the habit so long I honestly don’t know quite how to go about it, especially here at Christmas time.
Mabel, Mabel, Strong and Able, Keep Your Cell Phones off the Table
Keep phones not just off the table, but not anywhere near it. In this week of Thanksgiving, as we gather together, let’s be there, with one another, eye to eye. Much as I want to see the picture of your cat in her pilgrim costume, it can wait until after dinner.
Holiday Centerpiece With Birch Bark, Foliage, Fruit, and Flowers
Here is an impressive but easy centerpiece for the holidays or any day. For mantel or table, the size and height are easily varied. Use any combination of foliage, fruit, and flowers. Make a mess and it will still be beautiful. It’s an anything-goes thing.
Thanksgiving Decorating at Rancho La Zaca, and a Printable Place Card
Is Thanksgiving your favorite? Mine too. What is that about? Is it what Christmas used to be about? You know, family, friends, congenial gatherings, gratitude? Just a thought. It’s also one of my favorite times at our home, Rancho La Zaca. Here are a few highlights from last year and perhaps some inspiration for you this year.
Printable Thanksgiving Place Card or Menu
Here you go, a a shotgun-toting turkey as printable place card or menu hand painted by moi. Drag the image to your photos, and print on watercolor-textured (or other) paper. It will look like you did it yourself. Wink-wink! This one is probably best as a 4×8 or 5×7. Here is the full version, printable… Continue reading Printable Thanksgiving Place Card or Menu
Jewelry and Joie de Vivre – Verdura’s Sparkling Exhibit
Oh, there are bigger, flashier exhibits, but “The Power of Style: Verdura at 75” is transporting. No where else will you see such gorgeous jewels alongside such rare period photos of the film stars, royals and swells who wore them.