iPad Painting Workshop at Rancho La Zaca

iPad painting by Anne Ward, teaching at Rancho La Zaca August 20-22

If ever there were a time for creative wellness, it is now. You with us?! Discover the beauty and power of your own creative voice,  and join us for this first-time-ever, very small, safely distanced iPad painting workshop at Rancho La Zaca. We invite you to an all-inclusive* iPad painting workshop at our beautiful Rancho… Continue reading iPad Painting Workshop at Rancho La Zaca

Hey Puddin’!

Butterscotch Banana Pudding from California Cooking and Southern Style, by Frances Schultz. Recipes Stephanie Valentine

Hey Puddin’! While this will be a 4th of July unlike any other, the pesky pandemic does not have to get all the glory. You can make your summer celebration memorable with the best Butterscotch Banana Pudding you’ve ever had. That’s BUTTERSCOTCH Banana Pudding, in case you missed, because it is all about the butterscotch.… Continue reading Hey Puddin’!

A Chat and a Laugh with Flower Magazine’s Margot Shaw

What do bar fights, the Piggly-Wiggly in Tarboro, and spiritual connection have in common? Find out in my interview with Flower Magazine Editor-in-Chief Margot Shaw. When Margot asked me to do an online chat just for fun, I said I am all about just-for-fun. I’m also all about Margot, who is the coolest, and I would do… Continue reading A Chat and a Laugh with Flower Magazine’s Margot Shaw

Finding Relief in a World of Panic

I confess to a strange sensation amid a world in the panic of epidemiological meltdown: relief, a curious lightness of spirit borne of surrender. At the end of the day we HAVE NO IDEA what’s going to happen in our lives, in our medical labs, or in our financial markets. So think about this: Having no idea is having every idea. When you have no fixed beliefs, then you are open to every every possibility. The Buddhists call it “don’t-know mind,” an elevated state of awareness.

Deep, Dark, Chocolate Mystery

The Deep, Dark Chocolate Mystery cake in Frances Schultz's California Cooking and southern Style is one of the superstar recipes by Chef Stephanie Valentine, who calls it her "secret weapon cake." The secret is the spicy hint of anise and the best quality chocolate possible. Photo Deboray Whitlaw Lewellyn

Love is a deep dark mystery…and chocolate. Hence this cake. But unlike the truly madly deeply often messy love, this one freezes beautifully, so you can make it now to please you later…This is sexy chocolate, the chocolate you want, crave, desire, deserve…

Gorgeous Potatoes

Pan Fried Potatoes with Lemon and Rosemary, from California Cooking and Southern Style Photo Deborah Whitlaw Llewellyn

What new can you do with the plain old potato? How about pan fry with lemon and rosemary? The potato is the culinary Kate Moss. Unadorned it is plain. But embellished in just the right way–not too much–and baby you’ve got a yum-dinger. Try Chef Stephanie Valentine’s Pan Fried Potatoes with Lemon and Parsley. Or… Continue reading Gorgeous Potatoes

Sublime Tweak on Traditional Sweet

Pumpkin Hazelnut Pie with Hazelnut Cookie Crust and Chocolate Drizzle, from California Cooking and Southern Style, a most excellent cookbook ;)

Nothing radical mind you. Not trying to incite a riot here. You got riots enough already with all those relatives and who-all. This is just a subtle but truly sublime twist on a favorite traditional pie, and you’ve probably already got almost all the ingredients already, so give it a whirl if you’re feeling creative.… Continue reading Sublime Tweak on Traditional Sweet

It’s Here and It’s Yummy !!!!!!

Wildly anticipated… at long last… just in time for the holidays… TA-DA!!! California Cooking and Southern Style was released yesterday and we are all a-buzz here at Rancho La Zaca. ESPECIALLY about the first official post-publication review in the Head Butler… Click on it. It’s short, I promise, and it includes three free recipes! Here’s… Continue reading It’s Here and It’s Yummy !!!!!!

Best Books for Fall, According to The Glam Pad… and I Agree ;)

A gorgeous fall table setting from Alex Hitz's Art of the Host

Dear Readers, This week I am merrily re-posting this gorgeous and if I do say so myself most discerning selection of great new lifestyle books for fall, including that of yours truly, which you may have heard about , cough-cough, and those of some of my dearest pals and design heroes. Put Ronda Carman, Lisa… Continue reading Best Books for Fall, According to The Glam Pad… and I Agree 😉

For the Love of Art Walls, and a Hack for Unframed Art


Don’t you love an art wall? Me too. The more mixed up the better. And yet the mix must be harmonious and balanced. You know it when you see it. The stately and ordered are beautiful, of course, but the higgeldy-piggeldy and personal are such fun–like giant bulletin boards of mementos and private amusements. This… Continue reading For the Love of Art Walls, and a Hack for Unframed Art

Drum Roll Please… Announcing New Book! Sneak Preview!

About time, I know! I’ve been bustin’ to tell you and I hope you’ll be bustin’ with delight, if, um, not at the seams… because it has some seriously good calories. Coming in November, it’s called California Cooking and Southern Style—100 Classic Recipes, Inspired Menus, and Gorgeous Table Settings. A mouthful 😉 but no reason to… Continue reading Drum Roll Please… Announcing New Book! Sneak Preview!