Sister Act – via The Peak of Chic

Dear Readers, I was so struck by the charm and originality of fellow blogger and House Beautiful contributing editor Jennifer Boles’s Peak of Chic post today that I wanted to share it with you. Funnily enough my sister Duvall has a trunk show clothing business called Sister Act Collections, so-called because I sort of got… Continue reading Sister Act – via The Peak of Chic

14 Decorating Tips From a Darlin’ Dining Room

The other night I was lucky to be invited to my friend Valerie Smith’s for dinner in East Hampton. Valerie is a designer and the beauty and brains behind East Hampton’s beloved  Monogram Shop, the go-to place for hostess gifts and great things for the house. Just visiting the shop is an inspiration, so imagine what it’s… Continue reading 14 Decorating Tips From a Darlin’ Dining Room

A Scintillating Summer Cocktail – “Il Spriz”

I’ll cut to the chase: It’s a drink called “Il Spriz” made by Mionetto, the same Italian company that makes Prosecco, which I thought was the Italian version of Champagne until a reader corrected me, below. (Grazie Franco!) Il Spriz is a symphony of citrus and herbal flavors–slightly fizzy, fresh, tingly and crisp. I swooned… Continue reading A Scintillating Summer Cocktail – “Il Spriz”

The English Cottage Charms of Podge Bune

I have been just about to bust to post my darlin’ English friend-designer-artist Podge Bune’s house in East Hampton. It is in the June issue of House Beautiful, and it’s one of my favorite houses ever. It should be noted that somewhere in there is the color of Podge’s riotous red hair, which explains a… Continue reading The English Cottage Charms of Podge Bune

Bringing the Indoors Out – Life in a Casa Bubble

What is greater than sleeping in the great outdoors… (well I can think of a few things but bear with me …) a celestial canopy… wind whispering in the trees… heaven. Yes it’s heaven until a mosquito buzzes, a critter comes poking ‘round, or it rains… but sleeping under the stars was a childhood dream… Continue reading Bringing the Indoors Out – Life in a Casa Bubble

Postcard From Burgundy – Part 5 – le Fin (the End)

As I was saying, from a bicycle you see aspects of scenery you might otherwise miss from a Ferrari, and there is something to be said for that. Bicycles also have more head room. That you have to wear one of those dorky helmets seems a small price to pay. What I don’t understand is… Continue reading Postcard From Burgundy – Part 5 – le Fin (the End)

Postcard From Burgundy – Part 4 – Market Day

One of the best things about France is its outdoor markets, and every town has one. A centuries old tradition, le marché is the happening place for procuring the week’s privisions and no doubt a good deal of gossip. Like Did you see Pierre? What  was he thinking with that beret…? In addition to gossip, fruits, vegetables,… Continue reading Postcard From Burgundy – Part 4 – Market Day

Postcard From Burgundy – Part 3 – Bopping Around Beaune

Beaune is a charming town, walkable, manageable, with good little shops, and a bustling Saturday market. Good food too of course. And wine, which you know. One of my favorites was Laronze-Decor, managed by the charming and gracious Nicolas, whose family owns the shop, and come to find out a kitchen shop and bed and… Continue reading Postcard From Burgundy – Part 3 – Bopping Around Beaune

Postcard From Burgundy – Part 2

This scene sums it up: the vineyard, the softly undulating landscape, the church steeple marking the center of a beautiful village, and the backside of a biker. Bikers were always ahead of me because, a) I am slow, and b) I stop to take pictures, which makes me, c) even slower. The good news is… Continue reading Postcard From Burgundy – Part 2

Postcard From Burgundy – No. 1

One of the nice things about biking through the French countryside is that you can stop and smell the horses. And you can come in for a closer look. We visited the Abbey of Citeaux, begun in the eleventh century and one of only two Cistercian abbeys in France that allow visitors. The Cistercians were a… Continue reading Postcard From Burgundy – No. 1

Flew to France, Watched Dancing, Planted Roses, in That Order Backwards

Have just landed in France and driven 72 years to Dijon. Okay 3 hours to Dijon and another 3 to get to the hotel which you cannot get to because every street is one-way opposite the way you need to go and the other streets are closed for construction… So finally I am lying on… Continue reading Flew to France, Watched Dancing, Planted Roses, in That Order Backwards