How beautiful is this? It’s Woods Lake in Colorado, and this picture came to me from another Frances along with an invitation to come up there and paint sometime. She won’t have to ask twice. Now Frances is Frances the First, who also happens to be His Grace’s first wife. (For new readers His Grace… Continue reading My Wife-in-Law and Woods Lake
News & Notes
Buck House Goes Pink
A friend, reader and fellow breast cancer rodeo contestant sent me this photo and I wanted to share it with you in case you haven’t seen it, in a nod to Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I’ve always heard the queen had a sense of humor. Lest there be any doubt that thing she did with… Continue reading Buck House Goes Pink
Out of Africa: A Suzanne Kasler House, James Givenchy Jewels, and a Benefit
Africa is on my mind lately, though it is always close to my thoughts. House Beautiful’s October issue with its inspiration from ’round the world features a fantastic compound of thatched cottages on the northern slopes of Mount Kenya, designed by Suzanne Kasler in what she calls a “weaving of African and British traditions and… Continue reading Out of Africa: A Suzanne Kasler House, James Givenchy Jewels, and a Benefit
Thankful for the Harvest
We’re having a good harvest this year in the Santa Ynez Valley, and a good one from our small Oak Savanna Vineyard here at Rancho La Zaca. Last year a late frost spelled disaster. So we will toast this year to the heat and sunshine that makes these babies ripen. I will not bring up… Continue reading Thankful for the Harvest
Lessons From House Party of Painters
The nicest notes came last week from a group of gals from North Carolina who came to Rancho La Zaca to visit and to paint. I had long wanted to organize a workshop here for my awesome Aunt Gray and her painting buddies. And by dern we finally got around to it. Had a wonderful time,… Continue reading Lessons From House Party of Painters
Nina Griscom’s Got a Brand New Blog – and a Yummy Soufflé
Can I brag on my friend Nina Griscom? Thank you. She’s got a brand new website and blog, and they are beautiful. Like her. Do stop by. Meanwhile here’s a sample. This elegantly simple fall lunch for 2 would make just as good a light supper. And there’s something about a soufflé that says “occasion.” I’m… Continue reading Nina Griscom’s Got a Brand New Blog – and a Yummy Soufflé
Yayoi Kusama at the Whitney
I have been meaning to write about this for weeks, though I confess to a certain reluctance about people and things I cannot pronounce. But I have been practicing: Yayoi Kusama. Just like it’s spelled really. I don’t know why I go so worked up about it. I was walking down 5th Avenue minding my… Continue reading Yayoi Kusama at the Whitney
A Memoir-Cookbook You Must Have
Well I felt like a proud big sister all weekend about my buddy Alex Hitz making a big splash in The Wall by Golly Street Journal. Many of you probably fall upon the the paper’s Saturday Off Duty section like a teenager would Elvis’s room key–I do anyway–now that poor Elvis has left the building.… Continue reading A Memoir-Cookbook You Must Have
Sliders: The Easiest Way to Re-arrange a Room
Do you know about Sliders? Ooooh, girl you are going to love me for this one. Doing a bit of fall freshening-up are we? Moving things around some? Making room for that new end table? Just like it says on the package, Sliders, excuse me Magic Sliders, SLIDE EVERYTHING AS IF IT HAD WHEELS. It… Continue reading Sliders: The Easiest Way to Re-arrange a Room
No Man is Crushed by Misfortune,Unless…
Why this quote spoke to me, I’m not quite sure. Maybe it’s all the political campaign talk and meanness. But wouldn’t this statement make for good dinner conversation? With your children or your friends. What does “deceived by prosperity” mean? That money equals happiness? It does not, of course, but it does calm the nerves.… Continue reading No Man is Crushed by Misfortune,Unless…
A Pretty Fall Bouquet
It could not have been prettier in Long Island this weekend, and Saturday could not have been a more spectacular day for a wedding. It took place at a club on a grassy knoll overlooking the water. It was wow. And very happy. The ceremony was beautiful and so were the flowers at the reception.… Continue reading A Pretty Fall Bouquet
Armillary Love
I love an armillary. Sculptural, strong, graceful, ancient, and a little mysterious. What did they do with them? I would collect them if I had somewhere to put them. I can’t believe I just said that because that does not necessarily stop me. Thankfully it seems the world is not awash with armillaries, which perhaps… Continue reading Armillary Love