Cowboy, aka His Grace my husband, said he reckons there is not a pumpkin left in the Santa Ynez Valley. Would you believe after the car load I bought Tuesday (see last post) I had to go back for more? It takes an awful lot of pumpkins to decorate this here house, is all I… Continue reading Happy Thanksgiving From Rancho La Zaca
News & Notes
Thanksgiving Place Cards, Pumpkins, Flowers, and Plates
So I woke up about 4 this morning – did not get up, mind you – but woke up to this conversation with myself. Self, I said, I have good news and bad news. The good news is Thanksgiving is here. You are sort of organized. You’ve done the place cards and are rather pleased… Continue reading Thanksgiving Place Cards, Pumpkins, Flowers, and Plates
Notes and Sketches From Canyon Ranch
My last full day at the spa… The property here is beautiful, built around a belle-epoque mansion called Bellefontaine surrounded by woods of maple, pine and birch, and just a few miles from The Mount, Edith Wharton’s home. Canyon Ranch’s resident artist and outdoor guide Cathy Palmer is incredibly knowledgeable about the area, from every… Continue reading Notes and Sketches From Canyon Ranch
A Walk in the Woods, Taking Care of Yourself
Just as we’re starting to get the feel for autumn and it getting dark practically right after lunch, boom, here come the holidays. As much as there is to love about them (or not), we all get busier, and some of us get stress-ier. Today is a reminder that there’s almost nothing a walk in… Continue reading A Walk in the Woods, Taking Care of Yourself
Every Saint Has a Past… and Every Sinner Has a Future
Saints and sinners. You probably think I’m talking about politicians. (Question: What do you call a good lawyer gone bad?… Answer: Senator) But I’ve heard enough about politicians for a while, haven’t you? What I’m talking about is the movie Flight with Denzel Washington. Run (or fly) to see it. I’ve been looking for the right time to trot out… Continue reading Every Saint Has a Past… and Every Sinner Has a Future
10 (Non-Partisan) Party Tips for the Time-Pressed
So you’ve just skidded into town, you won’t be there long, and you want to see your friends, but you don’t have time to “entertain.” Yes you do. At least that’s what I told myself as I boarded the red-eye in LAX headed back to New York, landing on Election Day. “Come on over and… Continue reading 10 (Non-Partisan) Party Tips for the Time-Pressed
Wedding Highlights From Carolyne Roehm
Carolyne Roehm sends her thoughts and prayers, as do I, to all who continue to struggle in the wake of the horrid storm… As an antidote to the destruction, Carolyne posted “Something Positive After the Hurricane,” which was about guess what. Our wedding. Aww. Here’s an abbreviated preview below, and you can see more photos… Continue reading Wedding Highlights From Carolyne Roehm
The Good Effects of Goofing Off (But Beware of Zombies)
I was tooling back to the ranch from lunch with girlfriends in Los Olivos the other day and thought while I was goofing off I may as well stop in at my friend Jefferson Woeste’s shop J. Woeste, which is a great place to goof off, and there is always something there to make you… Continue reading The Good Effects of Goofing Off (But Beware of Zombies)
Big Bad Sandy No Match for the Good Guys
This photo was going around Facebook and on the news, in case you missed. If you know the photographer’s name, please send so I can credit him or her.* In our 24-7 news cycle, we may become inured to images of soldiers in hardship (or worse), and then a photo like this lands and stops… Continue reading Big Bad Sandy No Match for the Good Guys
“Autumn Is a Second Spring With Every Leaf a Flower.”
“Autumn is a second spring with every leaf a flower.” Albert Camus said that, and I never heard it until this very autumn. Bust my britches. Camus probably never said bust my britches, which in French would be something like Eclatez mes pantalons! Now I’m certain he never said it. Did you know Camus was the… Continue reading “Autumn Is a Second Spring With Every Leaf a Flower.”
Celebrate From Decor-8: Cute Supplies
While we’re in a celebratory mood, here are some really cute party supplies and pointers. Are you familiar with the Decor8 blog? It’s fab and so is its creator Holly Becker, who graciously allowed me to re-post this. Enjoy, and do jump over to see Holly. Party Time: Cute Supplies (via Decor-8) by Holly Becker… Continue reading Celebrate From Decor-8: Cute Supplies
Joyful, Joyful – Wedding at Rancho La Zaca!
Well ladies and gentlemen, here we are. I’ve gone and married my Cowboy, (His Grace, for new readers) and I reckon that makes me Miz Grace? It definitely makes me happy. Apart from losing the marriage license the day before the wedding and driving a million hours to the nearest clerk’s office in Santa Maria… Continue reading Joyful, Joyful – Wedding at Rancho La Zaca!