40 Inspiring Workspaces of the Famously Creative–via Buzzfeed, (+1 via Here)

An artist friend wrote yesterday to pass along a link she knew I”d love, and ooooohhhhhhh was she right. “40 Inspiring workspaces of th Famously Creative,” originally posted on Buzzfeed by Summer Anne Burton. It’s brilliant.

You Gotta Love The New York Post

Early this morning tenants of a posh Fifth Avenue building complained of a loud snorting noise emitting from the 21st floor, fearful that possibly a large farm animal had got loose, or worse, been injured in what would be a bizarre circumstance even by New York standards. But no… It was just me laughing, I explained to the concierge when he rang up. Have you seen today’s Post?

Springtime in France–A Friend Shares Her Travels

Honestly I have had the best time following my friend Sarah Gayle Carter blogging around France that I feel guilty keeping it a secret. Her photos are sublime–she is an artist after all–and her commentary is pithy, interesting and often funny. Here below is her latest. You can also click on the link sign up… Continue reading Springtime in France–A Friend Shares Her Travels

Lenten Roses for the Last of Lent

Lenten roses, aka hellebores, are rather un-sung heroines of the garden–in the US anyway. In Europe they are much beloved as some of the earliest bloomers, hence their name marking mid-February as the time their their petals begin to peek out. With hundreds of species ranging in color from chartreuse to deep claret, hellebores deserve… Continue reading Lenten Roses for the Last of Lent

New Site for Mecox Gardens, and a Discount for Visiting

Mecox Gardens, that most stylish of home furnishings and accessories shops, has become an indispensable resource for designers and design aficionadas everywhere. Just try getting through an issue of House Beautiful, Veranda, or Elle Decor without a Mecox Gardens credit. You can’t….So this is exciting news: Mecox Gardens has a new website. And the selection is HUGE. It’s a one-man Pinterest. It’s Houzz at a glance. It’s very good…