Living Artfully – At Home With Marjorie Merriweather Post

Now that civilization as we know it has temporarily returned to the Colonies with the resumption of Downton Abbey, the most divine book has come my way about Living Artfully: At Home With Marjorie Merriweather Post…

Sky-High Resolutions

By “the sky,” I mean Who You Are, your heart, your bliss, whatever it is. In this New Year I’m going to keep looking for my whatever-it-is, and I’m going to start letting go of whatever it isn’t.

Christmas Blessings and the Met’s Creche

The day before leaving New York to come South, I hurled myself straight into denial about everything left undone and marched straight up to the Met to see the fabulous Christmas tree and Nativity scene. All of a sudden those things left undone hardly seemed to matter.

Nelson Mandela, Johnny Clegg, and a Music Hall in Jo’burg 1988

The morning after Nelson Mandela died, NPR’s Renee Montagne interviewed a white South African named Johnny Clegg, whose music I’ve listened to and loved since I saw him perform in Johannesburg in 1988. Clegg’s song, “Asimbonanga,” Zulu for “We Have not Seen Him” stopped me in my tracks and still does. Years later, at a concert in France, where Clegg is popular and known as le Zulu Blanc, he performs Asimbonanga and is joined on stage by Mandela. Wow-oh-wow,

Hit the Pause Button – via The Silver Pen

You all know how I love The Silver Pen blog and its author Hollye Jacobs.  You also know how important it is to “hit the pause button” now and then. And yet. I know, I know. But please read Hollye’s wise words on this subject. I can’t think of a better way to continue through… Continue reading Hit the Pause Button – via The Silver Pen

A Perfect Autumn Salad – for Thanksgiving and Beyond

Searching for a wonderful autumn-y, crunchy, yummy, interesting salad that even Mike-y will like? Do you love kale salad but enough with the kale salads already? I hear you. This is so good, and so deliciously seasonal, and no cooking required…that is my kind of cooking. Especially so close to Thanksgiving. This would even be great served at Thanksgiving.