He coined the term “exterior decorator,” appropriately enough, because that is what he is. And a darned brilliant one. John Danzer, creator of Munder-Skiles Outdoor Furniture, is brilliant, period.
News & Notes
Nina Griscom Handbags in Atlanta This Week
From the Department of Shameless Crony Capitalism, a quick heads-up on my friend Nina Griscom’s fabulous handbag line that debuted last fall. Happy to say they are selling like handbags (!) and the new spring line is gorge. This Thursday and Friday, April 24-25, she’ll be in Atlanta. Please click to NinaGriscom.com to email them… Continue reading Nina Griscom Handbags in Atlanta This Week
Hippity Hoppity Easter’s on Its Way
I am crazy about the Easter Bunny.
Book Browse: The Pretty and Proper Living Room
Whether you are to the manor–or the bungalow–born, there is much useful information in “The Pretty and Proper Living Room,” especially for new homemakers.
Planning a Wedding? Going to One? Please Read This.
Impeccable advice for planning a wedding with style and grace.
A Gallop Through the Getty, and Jackson Pollock’s Mural
As promised, a gallop through the Getty Center in LA. A place so large with collections so extensive that you must gallop, or at least briskly trot, to take it in within a morning. BONUS: Jackson Pollock’s famed Mural back on display.
How to Zen Your Bookcase – A Quick Fix to Unclutter
Here’s a quick, no-brainer way to de-clutter your bookcase in minutes!
Art Is Busting Out All Over + Christopher Wool in Chicago + A Cautionary Tale
Art fairs are everywhere these days. The season started a bit earlier for me, however, with an unplanned visit last month to the Art Institute of Chicago and Christopher Wool…
Comfort Food for Company – Linguini and Sausage Casserole
If you want comfort food, and and something you haven’t had 72,000 times, here you go. We like this linguini and sausage dish anytime of day.
People Overestimate What They Can Do in a Day, and Underestimate What They Can Do in a Lifetime
Fresh from the glow of January goal-setting (or, in my case, not) and raw from the sudden, untimely death of a loved one, I’m newly inspired by this quote. Let yourself off the hook, but keep your aim high. See the forest, but don’t get lost in the trees . The latter might be a… Continue reading People Overestimate What They Can Do in a Day, and Underestimate What They Can Do in a Lifetime
Summer in the Winter
Sometimes you need a little summer in the winter, and this is one of those times. Here’s a summer book and a summer house, both set in the same storied mountain enclave of Highlands, North Carolina, and created for your reading and viewing pleasure…
The Inimitable Frances Dittmer
When the smoldering wreckage was found Thursday, our worst fears were confirmed. Frances “Frannie” Dittmer, sole passenger, did not survive. If you want to read about one amazing, smart, talented, funny, art-connoisieur-ing, football-passing gal–and I’m not just saying that–read on…