Crackling Bread for Christmas Morn (or Any Morn)

The caviar of cornbread is what this is. Crispy on the outside, chewy on the inside, studded with salty bits of fried pork rind (crackling) goodness. Ten minutes to make, 30-40 to bake, freezes beautifully. Our mama made this for Christmas morning every year, with Dortch’s* sausage biscuits, Moravian bread, ambrosia, and grits casserole. If… Continue reading Crackling Bread for Christmas Morn (or Any Morn)

Watercolor Workshop in the Cotswolds,
September 26-October 1, 2024

Join us this glorious, blooming spring as we again travel to paint and wander about the Cotswolds this September 26 to October 1, 2024. We can’t wait to get back to our beloved Cotswolds to paint again with the wonderful and talented teacher Andrew Hucklesby. . By us I mean virtuoso watercolorist, wonderful person, and… Continue reading Watercolor Workshop in the Cotswolds,
September 26-October 1, 2024

Cotswolds Diary, Day (-4)

For reasons not entirely clear to me, I have rented a charming studio flat in Middle Duntisborne, Gloucestershire, England, for a month, a month. Middle Duntisbourne is smaller than Tarboro.*  It is near Cirencester, however, which is bigger and has lots going on and shops and a street market and an amazing church. I’m not… Continue reading Cotswolds Diary, Day (-4)

A Time to Pie

Christmas is a  most excellent time to pie, don’t you agree? And yet you want this pie to be special. You want to honor tradition but add your special twist; to meet your guests’ expectations, but not to exhaust yourself. You got it: Not one but  two  utterly divine desserts you can make in advance,… Continue reading A Time to Pie

Watermelon and Tomato Salad
with Arugula, Feta, and Herbs

Watermelon and Tomato Salad with Arugula, Feta, and Herbs, from California Cooking and Southern Style by Frances Schultz, Recipe by Stephanie Valentine. Photo Deborah Whitlaw Llewelyn

If ever there were a time for a watermelon and tomato salad, it is NOW in the middle of August. I am writing this from the coast of North Carolina, where I grew up coming in summers, and hun there is no doubt that it is the middle of August. Just ask my hair, Anyway… Continue reading Watermelon and Tomato Salad
with Arugula, Feta, and Herbs

Hey Puddin’!

Butterscotch Banana Pudding from California Cooking and Southern Style, by Frances Schultz. Recipes Stephanie Valentine

Hey Puddin’! While this will be a 4th of July unlike any other, the pesky pandemic does not have to get all the glory. You can make your summer celebration memorable with the best Butterscotch Banana Pudding you’ve ever had. That’s BUTTERSCOTCH Banana Pudding, in case you missed, because it is all about the butterscotch.… Continue reading Hey Puddin’!

A Chat and a Laugh with Flower Magazine’s Margot Shaw

What do bar fights, the Piggly-Wiggly in Tarboro, and spiritual connection have in common? Find out in my interview with Flower Magazine Editor-in-Chief Margot Shaw. When Margot asked me to do an online chat just for fun, I said I am all about just-for-fun. I’m also all about Margot, who is the coolest, and I would do… Continue reading A Chat and a Laugh with Flower Magazine’s Margot Shaw

Deep, Dark, Chocolate Mystery

The Deep, Dark Chocolate Mystery cake in Frances Schultz's California Cooking and southern Style is one of the superstar recipes by Chef Stephanie Valentine, who calls it her "secret weapon cake." The secret is the spicy hint of anise and the best quality chocolate possible. Photo Deboray Whitlaw Lewellyn

Love is a deep dark mystery…and chocolate. Hence this cake. But unlike the truly madly deeply often messy love, this one freezes beautifully, so you can make it now to please you later…This is sexy chocolate, the chocolate you want, crave, desire, deserve…

Gorgeous Potatoes

Pan Fried Potatoes with Lemon and Rosemary, from California Cooking and Southern Style Photo Deborah Whitlaw Llewellyn

What new can you do with the plain old potato? How about pan fry with lemon and rosemary? The potato is the culinary Kate Moss. Unadorned it is plain. But embellished in just the right way–not too much–and baby you’ve got a yum-dinger. Try Chef Stephanie Valentine’s Pan Fried Potatoes with Lemon and Parsley. Or… Continue reading Gorgeous Potatoes

Sublime Tweak on Traditional Sweet

Pumpkin Hazelnut Pie with Hazelnut Cookie Crust and Chocolate Drizzle, from California Cooking and Southern Style, a most excellent cookbook ;)

Nothing radical mind you. Not trying to incite a riot here. You got riots enough already with all those relatives and who-all. This is just a subtle but truly sublime twist on a favorite traditional pie, and you’ve probably already got almost all the ingredients already, so give it a whirl if you’re feeling creative.… Continue reading Sublime Tweak on Traditional Sweet

It’s Here and It’s Yummy !!!!!!

Wildly anticipated… at long last… just in time for the holidays… TA-DA!!! California Cooking and Southern Style was released yesterday and we are all a-buzz here at Rancho La Zaca. ESPECIALLY about the first official post-publication review in the Head Butler… Click on it. It’s short, I promise, and it includes three free recipes! Here’s… Continue reading It’s Here and It’s Yummy !!!!!!