Your soul’s voice is your True Self speaking. It is who you were born to be, your deepest meaning and your highest purpose. In this weekend retreat we’ll explore a variety of fun, take-home-able, non-woo-woo tools and techniques to access your soul’s voice via mind, body, and spirit. You’ll use your creativity, but you don’t… Continue reading Art of the Soul – Retreat at Rancho La Zaca, October 28-30, 2021
Life Coaching
Clarity Begins at Home – 2nd Workshop Begins February 23!
GOSH, we were excited about our “Clarity Begins at Home” workshop, and apparently you were too, because it sold out in three days. So we’ve opened a second, and we hope you will join. In case you missed, and to save you the clicking back, here it is: From January 8: The pandemic of 2020 has… Continue reading Clarity Begins at Home – 2nd Workshop Begins February 23!
Clarity Begins at Home – Workshop Beginning January 28, 2021
The pandemic of 2020 has left even the fortunate among us weary and perhaps wondering if we are living/working/being in the world as we best could. We haven’t spent so much time at home since… ever. As a result, consciously or not, many of us have felt a connection between home, self, and our sense… Continue reading Clarity Begins at Home – Workshop Beginning January 28, 2021
Bring Your Light to the World
Around May of this crazy ass year, a funny-as-in-haha-funny friend of mine was talking about how long it had been since her last pedicure, root touch-up, Botox, et cetera—and she ended with, “I’m kind of excited to see what I really look like,” which sounded even funnier with a Texas accent, which she has. And… Continue reading Bring Your Light to the World