Instagram 20 Nov 2017

Rolled out the red carpet on Saturday night for A Night at the Opera at #rancholazaca with beautiful singing by Nichole deChaine and Bryan Lane, accompanied by St Mark’s own Bev Staples… This was ment to be the seating card table but I was afraid they would blow away, so I handed them to guests as they arrived. Btw a small red carpet runner is an inexpensive and fun way to make a splash when you’re entertaining at home. If you live in an apartment, run it down the hall to your door. Your neighbors will probably let it slide, and they will wonder who on earth is coming to dinner!

Categories Instagram

Instagram 16 Nov 2017

Chanelling Wagner and Die Walküre and gearing up for “A Night at the Opera” Rancho-la-Zaca style… Talk about mixing metaphors … or something. But it suits me don’t you think? Actually bears a striking resemblance to my real hair. Hmm I might want to think about that…

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