Dreaming of a… Merry love to all from snowy Jackson Hole
Instagram Posts
Instagram 24 Dec 2017
God rest ye weary gentlemen and women – our brave and true back home still fighting the beastly Thomas Fire even on this Christmas Eve. Re-grammed from @hollyejacobs who posted this photo taken by the mother of Kern County firefighter Dylan Newell, at Westmont College. .
#thomasfire #firefighters
Instagram 24 Dec 2017
The wonderful St John’s Episcopal church in Jackson. I hear from a parishioner that “Episcopalians were big out here” establishing this and that… #ofcoursetheywere .
#stjohnsepiscopalchurch #jacksonhole
Instagram 21 Dec 2017
Just a crazy beautiful afternoon after a brief but blessed rain… Will settle a bit of the ash to our south, we hope. This is the view across frim my studio in Santa Ynez. .
#santaynez #santaynezvalley #clouds #cloudscape #iwanttopaintit
Instagram 18 Dec 2017
A horse laugh is always good in case the holiday hustle and bustle has you a bit stressed… This is actually called the #flehmanresponse and has to do with opening his nasal passages to expose certain smells (in my case Jo Malone or carrots? ) directly to his voneronasal organ, whatever that is. Thank you, Arnold, for the comic relief!
#rancholazaca #santaynezvalley
Instagram 17 Dec 2017
Loved this painting in the late 19th c gallery at the Art Institute of Chicago. Pardon in Brittany, by Gaston la Touche. .
#artinstituteofchicago #pardoninbrittany #gastonlatouche
Instagram 17 Dec 2017
The divine miniature Thorne Rooms at the Art Institute of Chicago, some of them decorated for Christmas. .
#artinstituteofchicago #thornerooms #victorianchristmas
Instagram 15 Dec 2017
Am I in high cotton or what? With the fabulous @cathybgraham the inimitable @james_andrew and the incomparable @scottmcbee41 Many ho-ho’s were had by all.
Instagram 15 Dec 2017
Celebrating the divine and talented @mrclintsmith and @verandamag with the publication of gorgeous new book #veranda #color … and how creative is @cathybgraham to conjure this wonderful setting… .
Instagram 15 Dec 2017
Detail of a fresh flower garland that wrapped an entire doorway. Have you ever seen anything so pretty?! By the uber talented and lovely @cathybgraham
Instagram 14 Dec 2017
Went all out on the Christmas decorations this year. Now if I could just find a tiny Sant’s hat for the Buddha… ho!
#deckthehalls #sortof
Instagram 14 Dec 2017
Love this shoe trunk for those long holiday weekends. This one holds 30 pairs… Another highlight from the #louisvuitton #volezvoguezvoyagez exhibit in downtown Manhattan.