Happy Healthy Soul-Filling New Year to you all !
#newyearseve #happynewyear #rancholazaca #afewfriendsfordinner
Instagram Posts
Instagram 31 Dec 2017
A few friends for dinner – and warm enough to be outside on the terrace. .
#afewfriendsfordinner #rancholazaca #dinneralfresco #diningalfresco #entertaining #dinnerparty #centerpiece @hermes china #maisonenchantee
Instagram 30 Dec 2017
Sweet little thing. A surviving single orchid bloom (now you know what to do with them!) , #astrantia #olive #dustymiller. #guestroomflowers
#rancholazaca #littlebouquet #tinybouquet #nosegay
Instagram 30 Dec 2017
Getting ready for company and fixin’ guest room flowers. My mama aleays had them in my room when I came home. Touches me to this day to think of it. .
#guestroomflowers #littlebouquet #nosegay #lisianthus #dustymiller #rancholazaca
Instagram 30 Dec 2017
As you prepare for your end-of-year festivities (or quiet contemplation) it is good to create the setting that supports your intentions and pleases your eye—to create harmony both spiritually and aesthetically. That is the foundation in which you build who you are and all you can be. This parting bit of red and green this week—this a tent set up for lunch in the field a few years ago on a shooting trip to Spain. Can you imagine stomping around in the bush all morning and then coming upon this?! Was like something out of King Arthur… .
#redandgreen #tent #diningalfresco #lunchinthefield #foodforthesoul #frollye
Instagram 29 Dec 2017
One more amazing gingerbread house from @solvangbakery sent to us by @briecromer and @w.cromer in Jackson Hole to make us feel at home! Awwww! Thanks again guys! We are saving it for next year, too!!!
Instagram 28 Dec 2017
Mr and Mrs Livewire back home by the fire and tucking into a bit of chili verde… Did I mention we were doing a cookbook/entertaining book this coming year?! This photo will likely not make the cut, but I hope it captures the spirit of the book’s intention: to encourage entertaining at home and making it about gatherings of friends and family and about nourishing our spirits as well as our bodies.
Stay tuned for more… .
#gatherings #recipesofrancholazaca #southernhospitalitymeetscaliforniarancho #rancholazaca #homebythefire
Instagram 28 Dec 2017
Around this time a year ago we were preparing for a family trip to India. I did this small study of the Taj from one of my photos as a souvenir gift to my sister and her husband this year. In my photo there were dogs frolicking in the pool, but I was afraid to try to paint them, fearing they’d look like giant grasshoppers or something. #lovinghandsathome .
Instagram 27 Dec 2017
An early 20th C English-inspired house designed by Harrie T. Lindeberg in East Hampton. In this glorious week of (sort of) downtime, I am relishing my illustrated design books, particularly the sublime new Harrie T. Lindeberg and the American Country House by @peterpennoyer and Anne Walker from @monacellipress If English-inspired country houses are your thing, this is your book. I cannot put it down. #architectureporn ! .
#harrietlindebergandtheamericancountryhouse #monacellipress #englishcountryhouse #americancountryhouse #countryhousearchitecture peterpennoyer/’ title=’Explore peterpennoyer on Instagram’ target=’_blank’ class=’ig-hash’>#peterpennoyer peterpennoyer/’ title=’Explore peterpennoyer on Instagram’ target=’_blank’ class=’ig-hash’>#peterpennoyerarchitects #roofline #interestingroofline
Instagram 26 Dec 2017
Instagram 26 Dec 2017
Moody morning sky in Jackson… and on the way home. Happy Boxing Day to all! .
#jacksonhole #cloudscape #moodysky #iwanttopaintit
Instagram 25 Dec 2017
Christmas morning doodle of Wyoming landscape using the Procreate. .
#procreate @procreate #wyominglandscape