Don’t miss this gorgeous Sorolla amid the Rodin sculptures en route to the deservedly ballyhooed Hockney exhibit at the Met. The Spanish Impressionist Sorolla is one of my alltime favorites, and the discovery of this piece was a delightful surprise. .
#sorolla metmuseum/’ title=’Explore metmuseum on Instagram’ target=’_blank’ class=’ig-hash’>#metmuseum @metmuseum @museo_sorolla @sorollajoaquin
Instagram Posts
Instagram 28 Jan 2018
The remarkable @stbartholomews_nyc choir and the music of Jonathan Dove. #Sundayinspiration #jonathandove
Instagram 27 Jan 2018
Matisse always makes my spirits soar, and today reminds me of wonderful new play by @jessekornbluth “The Color of Light” about the artist’s later life and the inspiration for the chapel at Vence. Playing now through Feb 3 at the Vantage Theater in San Diego and in Westchester this spring. #Matisse
#matissecutouts #thecoloroflight #vantagetheatre #lacma @lacma
Instagram 27 Jan 2018
Not often we see paintings by Giacometti. Interesting how The brushstrokes echo the gestures of his sculpture. #lacma @lacma #giacometti
Instagram 27 Jan 2018
Instagram 26 Jan 2018
The always fun and delicious #Ivy with my bestie @marshallpersinger
Instagram 24 Jan 2018
Unfinished! Just beginning with trepidation to attempt a larger canvas (or cardboard in this case) and to apply what I learned-or dared, more like it-from working with @carmeloblandinoart this past fall in Italy. Will be away from my studio for next couple weeks but will carry this with me to consider next steps. Inspiration came from an @rosestoryfarm old calendar image.
Instagram 24 Jan 2018
Love a 24-carrot day at the Santa Barbara Farmers Market. Aren’t they beautiful?! #iwanttopaintit !
#carrots #santabarbarafarmersmarket
Instagram 22 Jan 2018
Grateful for a little studio time yesterday and finished this tiny watercolor of a Wyoming “crik” i photographed last month. I tried to make it look like summer hmm #mixedresults, but it is nice to be able to control the weather. Now if I could just get that to work in Southern California!
#jacksonhole #wyominglandscape #watercolorsketch
Instagram 21 Jan 2018
So you take last week’s centerpiece, add a few cymbidiums (cymbidia?), a tablecloth, a bird’s nest, and boom. .
#afewfriendsfordinner #entertainingathome #centerpiece #rancholazaca
Instagram 20 Jan 2018
Horsing around with my buddy @hollyejacobs who has found a four-legged #silverlining in her family’s temporary home during their evacuation from Montecito. #carryingon .
#frollye #frollyepower #frollyeon
Instagram 20 Jan 2018
Winter nights are for gathering friends around the table by the fire, and for make-do centerpieces from succulents and greens scavenged from around the house because I didnt get around to flowers. Necessity is the mither of improvisation. Looking forward tonight to #afewfriendsfordinner.
#rancholazaca #homebythefire #gatherings #entertaining #centerpiece #improvhostess #oldeavesbury #succulentcenterpiece #homesweethome