The serene beauty of the Eastern North Carolina marsh. So great to be in my old home state for dear friends’ daughter’s wedding on a picture perfect day. .
#figureeightisland #figureeight #easternnorthcarolina
Instagram Posts
Instagram 20 Apr 2018
More gorgeosness from Italy. Love this handsome room off the entrance of a private villa in Como, and of course the #green! The higgeldy-piggeldy (and yet not) arrangement of art, the piles of magazines, the elegant livability, snd the contrast of colors and textures make this such an appealing room. .
#indagarexcabana #cabanaxindagare indagaretravel/’ title=’Explore indagaretravel on Instagram’ target=’_blank’ class=’ig-hash’>#indagaretravel #lakecomo #italianstyle #italianinteriors @indagaretravel @cabanamagazine
Instagram 19 Apr 2018
Beautiful day today at @nybotanicalgarden seeing #theorchidshow. What a treasure it is for all New Yorkers – and the world, really, with all its scientific research, plant rescues from smugglers (a big problem – who knew?!), and its wealth of educational programs and exhibits. #orchidshow closes this weekend, so get out there!
Instagram 18 Apr 2018
God bless the family of Barbara Bush and bring them comfort, grace, and respect in their grieving for this extraordinary wife, mother, friend, philanthropist, and American. Photo via KHOU11
Instagram 17 Apr 2018
What’s special about this is that it is the recently restored (2015) vineyard belonging to Leonardo da Vinci, given by “Il Moro” Sforza of Milan’s poweful ruling family and Leonardo’s then patron. The house and vineyard were badly damaged during WW II and restored by the architect Piero Portaluppi. #casadegliatellani
Instagram 16 Apr 2018
In 3 days of fabulous Milan houses and interiors, this room of architect Portaluppi is among my favorites. The house is still lived in today by his family. More to come… .
#milan #portaluppi #indagaretravel #indagareinsider #indagaremilan @indagaretravel #collections
Instagram 16 Apr 2018
The marvelous painted entry hall of the Italian architect Portaluppi, boe inhabited by his grandson. (But correct me if wrong; i need to go back and check my info)
#milan #portaluppi @indagaretravel #indagaremilan #indagareinsider
Instagram 16 Apr 2018
A ceiling of the zodiac at an extraordinary private palazzo in Milan. And it gets better and more amazing from here…
#palazzocrespi #indagaremilan #indagareinsider #milan #palazzo
Instagram 14 Apr 2018
The lovely “winter garden” of the Portaluppi designed Villa Necchi Campiglio, home of two sisters who were the Necchi sewing machine heiresses. Also where “I Am Love” was filmed. Sliding glass window panes are doubled, with planting in between. .
#wintergarden #villanecchicampiglio #villanecchi #indagaremilan #indagareinsider #indagaretravel @indagaretravel
Instagram 14 Apr 2018
Still absorbing the extraordinary beauty and craftsmanship of Sicily. The amazing carved and inlaid marble draping detail in the Duomo di Monreale in Palermo was the likes of which Id never seen before. .
#duomodemonreale #palermo #marbleinlay
Instagram 14 Apr 2018
We were treated to dinner at the gorgeous #renzomongiardino designed home of a friend. Milan is full of hidden beauties if you know where to look and whom to ask – I don’t, but @indagaretravel does. #indagareinsidermilan
Instagram 13 Apr 2018
Entrance to the enticing showroom of Stephen Janson in Milan. Gorgeous, classic, wearable, affordable clothes for stylish and practical women. Available at @capitolclt in the US.