Alto del Perdon, our first stage out of Pamplona. Bliss. Buen Camino. .
#altodelperdon #caminodesantiago
Instagram Posts
Instagram 2 May 2018
The bustling bar of the Cafe Iruña in Pamplona, where Hemingway drank and wrote, probably in that order. .
#frollyecamino #pamplona #cafeiruna #hemingwayhangouts #camino
Instagram 1 May 2018
A music shop in Pamplona. So many charming small shops and cafes..,
Instagram 30 Apr 2018
What a charming town is Pamplona! I only ever heard about the bulls, which does not happen until July. Full of charming shops, bakeries, and pinchas, Pamplona also has beautiful architecture and a low key, welcoming vibe. I sound like the Chamber of Commerce… .
#pamplona #townhall #navarre #spain #camino #roccoco
Instagram 30 Apr 2018
Ola Pamplona! A bell tolls against a moody Spanish sky. The view from my room at the Palacio Guendulain. Our Camino begins… #frollye #pamplona #tobeapilgrim #caminodesantiago
Instagram 28 Apr 2018
Celebration lunch for niece Dorothy Isabel’s graduation from high school!!!
Instagram 25 Apr 2018
An appropriately celestial ceiling in an ancient home’s chapel at Lake Como. Still revisiting our trip earlier this month. .
#lakecomo #homechapel indagaretravel/’ title=’Explore indagaretravel on Instagram’ target=’_blank’ class=’ig-hash’>#indagaretravel #indagarexcabana #cabanaxindagare @indagaretravel @cabanamagazine
Instagram 25 Apr 2018
Beautiful table by @jlgoodmandesign See previous post for details @thehort
Instagram 25 Apr 2018
A gorgeous and dramatic arrangement of roses, succulents, cacti amd pitcher plants awaited my guests at the Horticultural Society of New York Flower Show dinner dance at the Pierre last night. This table the fine and ingenious work of @jlgoodmandesign. See @thehort for more gorgeousness! And thank you to all our wonderful designers!!!!
Instagram 24 Apr 2018
Trussed up takeout at home. Shows what a little silver and candlelight will do. Painting in background by @caiofonsecastudio China @astierdevillatte Sushi @seamless
Instagram 23 Apr 2018
Beginning preparations to walk the Camino again this spring… countdown to May 1…
#caminodesantiago #theway #frollyetravel #frollyegirl #frollye #frollyeon @hollyejacobs @carolyneroehm
Instagram 22 Apr 2018
The beautiful interior of St James Episcopal Church in Wilmington NC, site of beautiful wedding ceremony for dear young friends, and for baptisms, weddings, and funerals of many of my own family. Wishing the adorable newlyweds a long happy life together.