Gaudi in Leon, ca 1920. .
#gaudi #leon #spain #caminodesantiago #pilgrim #camino2018 #frollye #frollyetravel
Instagram Posts
Instagram 5 May 2018
Virgin de los ojos grandes (with the big eyes) unusual, and special to the people of Lugo. .
#virgidelosojosgrandes #lugo #galicia #spain #caminodesantiago
Instagram 5 May 2018
Instagram 4 May 2018
While we’re on goofy posts, look who’s busted out her socks: one of the most elegant girls in the world—Ms Carolyne Roehm our darling Camino sister amd walking with us #camino2018 We all took pictures of her perfect toesies, but hers was the best, so this is repost from @carolyneroehm There’s no giggle like a pilgrim giggle.
#Frollyegirl #camino2018 #caminodesantiago #frollye #frollyetravel #redtoenails
Instagram 4 May 2018
I don’t even know Waldo but apparently we are related. If You know a way I could possibly look dorkier, please let me know so I may continue to amuse my #Caminosisters, especially on the uphill parts. Repost from my #frollye partner @hollyejacobs .
#caminodesantiago #camino2018 #frollye #frollyetravel #frollyegirl #whatadork
Instagram 4 May 2018
Yesterday’s walk also took us oast the ruins of the 14th C Convent of Sant Anton, Saint Anthony, to whom I still pray to find my lost engagement ring. It’s been over a year now. Still breaks my heart. But the Camino goes on, and the Camino forgives. .
#caminodesantiago #camino2018 #frollye #frollyetravel
Instagram 4 May 2018
And we walk and we walk… .
#caminodesantiago #camino2018 #frollyetravel #frollye
Instagram 4 May 2018
The stunning surprise of the interior of the Romanesque church in Castrojeriz. Small but spectacular. .
#castrojeriz #caminodesantiago #camino2018 #frollyetravel #frollye
Instagram 4 May 2018
Walking into Castrojeriz, as pretty a vista as any I’ve seen. Day 2 on our Camino. .
#caminodesantiago #castrojeriz #tobeapilgrim #frollye #camino2018
Instagram 3 May 2018
The topiary allee in Burgos was an unexpected pleasure! .
#burgos #spain #topiary #allee #caminodesantiago
Instagram 3 May 2018
The oldest Gothic cathedral in Spain, in Burgos. Note the star of David in the rose window. .
#Burgoscathedral #burgos #cathedral #gothic
Instagram 2 May 2018
This is it. #caminodesantiago #buencamino