Just loved it. Sweet, warm, dignified, inclusive, historic, and the MUSIC! #standbyme #royalwedding #magical
Instagram Posts
Instagram 19 May 2018
There is power in love… Love God. Love your neighbor. And while you’re at it, love yourself. … Many waters cannot quench love. … Love changes lives and can change this world. —Bishop Michael Curry, Presiding Bishop and Primate of the Episcopal Church (and former #northcarolinian) He rocked the royal wedding—my favorite moment.
Instagram 18 May 2018
First cuttings from my viburnum, finally blooming after 3 years and in a rather awkward gangly phase, but i love them as a mother can. Hope your weekend arrangements bring you joy. .
#Viburnum #rancholazaca #gardenflowers #loosearrangement #flowerarrangement
Instagram 18 May 2018
Wishing you a weekend of going with the flow…
#rancholazaca #fountain #guara #meadowgarden #homesweethome #losilivos #santaynez
Instagram 14 May 2018
Inspired this morning by @elizabeth_gilbert_writer post of a random encounter with #inspirationonarock , I remembered my own surprise along the #caminodesantiago just days ago, as I contemplate a jump—though it will be a while. Not ready for discussion yet, just allowing a glimmer in, and this Rumi wuote appears, as a wink amd perhaps a nudge. I believe these loving and supportive forces of the universe are everywhere if we open our eyes and hearts to them, and that God has a wonderful sense of humor. #camino2018 #frollye #frollyetravel #theway #trustthecamino #thecaminowillprovide
Instagram 14 May 2018
Back in my studio for a Sunday afternoon doodle and readying to work on a commision this week for @cabanamagazine and so excited!!!
Instagram 13 May 2018
Just kidding but not really, and you know what, I feel so lucky for it. What a great mother, friend, and inspiration I had, and I think of her every day. Here’s to all the wonderful mothers, past, present, and future. Love and blessings to you all, especially @alisueditt @abdittmer @duvallfuqua and @ninaggg
Instagram 8 May 2018
Adios Santiago, until our next Frollye Camino. Who’s in?! #walkwithus .
#caminodesantiago #cathedraldesantiago #frollyetravel #camino2018 #frollye #paradores
Instagram 7 May 2018
Cape Finisterre, the end of the world, and the end of the Camino de Santiago. The Soanish and the Portuguese argue claims to the western most point of Europe. Surprise: the Spanish believe it is Finisterre. Also called the Costa da Morte as the coastline is so treacherous.
#wemadeit #finisterrespai #finisterre #endoftheworld #crucero #camino2018 #caminodesantiago #frolly #frollyetravel #cross
Instagram 6 May 2018
The stunning interior of the #cathedralof santiago comprising the Romanesque through the Gothic and so@e 400+ kilos of gold. .
#cathedraldesantiago #catnedraldesantiagodecompostelo #santiagodecompostela #caminodesantiago #frollye #frollyetravel
Instagram 6 May 2018
We made it. Awaiting the mass to begin at #Cathedral Santiagodecompostela #santiagodecompostela #caminodesantiago #camino2018 #frollye #frollyetravel
Instagram 6 May 2018
At Monte de Gozo, the Mount of Joy, so called because it is the place from which the pilgrims catch their first glimpse of the spires of the Cathedral of Santiago. Almost there.