Picnics are always a good idea! Just stumbled on this happy scene from our #caminodesantiago this past spring. Can you spot @carolyneroehm @maryanninla and @hollyejacobs ?
Instagram Posts
Instagram 25 Jun 2018
This charming image by photographer @lisaromerein in the FAB new issue of @verandamag is part of a gorgeous project by friends Brooke and Steve Giannetti @velvetandlinen in Connecticut. Always love interviewing them and this was especially interesting to write as the home is a compound of several 17th(!)-18th-19th- century structures brought to the property and artfully combined. Also worked on by the talented #gilschafer
Instagram 23 Jun 2018
“… I would like them to be cheerful in their drinking / I would like to have Jesus sitting here among them / I would like a great lake of beer for Jesus …” From The Heavenly Banquet, attrib to St Brigid 10th Century, one of the Hermit Songs — poems, mostly anonymous, written by Irish monks (with a sense of humor and sometimes naughty!) from 8th to 13th centuries and set to music by Samuel Barber. First performed by a young then unknown soprano named #leontyneprice with Barber on the piano. Here sung by @stmarksinthevalley ‘s own #nicholedechaine accompanied by the brilliant #bevstaples on piano. What a beautiful concert and gift to our Valley! And oh, just another Friday night at church in Los Olivos… Hope this gives you a smile. .
#santaynezvalley #soprano #singslikeanangel #samuelbarber #hermitsongs .
Instagram 14 Jun 2018
Cutting for the weekend. Loving our roses! .
#roses #rancholazaca
Instagram 13 Jun 2018
Back at the ranch after a hectic NYC werk and a move… again. The 4th in 5 years. #justshootme but happily resettling in new (old) NYC pad… Stay tuned. Meanwhile loving the Matilija Poppies blooming all over the place. #rancholazaca #matilijapoppy
Instagram 1 Jun 2018
Morning mist over the meadow and pen garden. Heading East today and will miss my roses! And guara, Mexican primrose, Bankshire roses, poppies, and daisies!
#wildflowers #roses #rancholazaca #losolivos #santaynez #santaynezvalley
Instagram 31 May 2018
Good friends for a fireside supper at home. Yes, fireside! Has turned cold again in our kooky Southern California climate. .
#californiacuisinesouthernstyle #rancholazaca #afewfriendsfordinner #losolivos #santaynezvalley #santaynez
Instagram 30 May 2018
Good morning Sweet Pea. Just a little Wednesday morning bouquet from the garden. .
#gardenflowers #rancholazaca #nosegay #tinybouquet #sweetpea #rose
Instagram 26 May 2018
Early morning light on Foxen Canyon. Going on ten years here now (gulp!) and Im still gobsmacked by the beauty of my morning drive. God bless this amazing country.
#foxencanyon #losolivos #santaynezvalley #morninglight
Instagram 25 May 2018
A welcome-home Baby Birdie bouquet of #rancholazaca garden flowers for our sweet friend and now mother-of-3!@briecromer We love you!
Instagram 24 May 2018
Our darlin’ friend @mollybrownballantine ‘s beautiful table last night…
Instagram 19 May 2018
Wore my best bathrobe and almost matching tiara to the #royalwedding. On reflection should not have worn tiara during the day, not to mention white. #WhatwasIthinking?!