And what it looked like tonight… #taosmountain #haciendadelsol #sacredmountain
Author: Frances
Instagram 9 Sep 2016
Morning quickie of Taos Mountain as seen from the Hacienda del Sol. #pleinair #taosnewmexico #taos #taosmountain #sacredmountain
Instagram 9 Sep 2016
And so to bed. My cozy room at the #haciendadelsol in #taos. #southweststyle
Instagram 8 Sep 2016
Detail from exercise in color and “dynamic composition” which encourages you to paint “shapes not things” and to see pieces of color as in a mosaic, tather than blending, which keeps colors pure and clear. See previous post for photo of pond, which this doesnt really look like, but Im learning! #gottastartsomewhere #pleinairpainting #taos #kevinmacpherson
Instagram 8 Sep 2016
Painting en plein aire at Kevin Macpherson’s pond in Taos. A cloudy day brings differnt challenges. #pleinairpainting #kevinmacpherson #taos #valleescondido
Instagram 7 Sep 2016
Love a swing and a mountain view, and green! On the grounds of the Hacinda del Sol, former home of Mabel Dodge Luhan. Painting this week eith Kevin Macpherson in Valle Escondido. #swing #hacendadelsol #taos #taosnewmexico @haciendadelsol
Instagram 4 Sep 2016
Just another day at Rancho la Zaca… This was Felipe Hernandez’s party for his wine club. He is the vineyard manager and winemaker of his own Feliz Noche fabulous wines. And a good time was had by all. #mariachi #tancholazaca #felipehernandez #feliznoche
Instagram 2 Sep 2016
Got the hay sold, a beautiful sight. #rancholazaca #countrylife #makinghay #iwanttopaintit #afternoonwalk #foxencanyonwinetrail #santaynezvalley #vineyard
Instagram 2 Sep 2016
My basket runneth over… #zinnias are so sweet. They remind me of the curb market in Morehead City, NC, where our family spent every summer.
Instagram 2 Sep 2016
Fixin’ flowers for the weekend. We’re having sunflowers this month. #sunflowers #rancholazaca
Instagram 29 Aug 2016
From a presentation at #singularityuniversity Global Summit San Francisco. #buckminsterfuller
Instagram 28 Aug 2016
The altar flowers for last night’s Summer Classic at St Marks’s in the Valley. Pussy wiillow, olive, smoke bush, eucalyptus, stock, and roses. By @mollyballantine and moi. #stmarksinthevalley #altarflowers