This gorgeous shot of Lady Liberty sent me by a friend coming up the East River this morning. And even though I call New York my second home, catching sight of her thrills me every time. I might just take time tonight to paint her ️ A stirring sight and enduring symbol, she stands for freedom, above politics, and may we all aspire to uphold her. . . . #statueofliberty #ladyliberty #eastriver #iwanttopaintit #manhattan
Author: Frances
Instagram 24 Jul 2020
Don’t know what I love more, her or the hydrangeas, or the fact that the watering can is bigger around than her waist, and I’m guessing she is carrying it full of water to keep the wind from blowing her away. As I sit here eating french fries. I just love the whole thing. And the french fries. Image via @marieclaireau Photography by Corrie Bond
Instagram 23 Jul 2020
I do love a greenhouse that has multiple personalities, and i stumbled onto this lovely creation by Christian Liagre on Heather Clawson’s habitually lovely site @HabituallyChic. You know Heather surely, but if not you are in for a constant stream of treats. Christian Liaigre’s work speaks for itself as well. Tour this charming Toronto greenhouse-poolhouse-folly in my stories… Design @liaigre_official
Instagram 19 Jul 2020
A lovely,safe dinner with inner circle friends. So good to gather, and such a privilege. Don’t we know it. . #dinneralfresco #grateful #thankyou #afewfriendsfordinner
Instagram 16 Jul 2020
If ever there were a time for creative wellness, it is now. You with us?! Discover the beauty and power of your own creative voice, and join us for this first-time-ever, very small, safely distanced iPad painting workshop at Rancho La Zaca. We invite you to join us for a very small, safely distanced, iPad painting workshop at Rancho La Zaca this August 20 to 22. Explore your creativity, spark joy, and learn an invaluable lifelong creative skill. Hosted by me and taught by LA-based professional artist and adorable person, this 2-day artistic sojourn will feed your spirit, nurture your soul, and make your heart sing. Stop by my the link in my bio for more information or DM me with your email! by
Instagram 15 Jul 2020
A quiet afternoon her-on the ranch. Monday-pun day. Well I wrote this on Monday but here it is Wednesday, which does not rhyme. And I better quit while I’m behind… Has the pandemic anyone else a bit loopy… . . #rancholazaca #heron #terriblepuns
iPad Painting Workshop at Rancho La Zaca
If ever there were a time for creative wellness, it is now. You with us?! Discover the beauty and power of your own creative voice, and join us for this first-time-ever, very small, safely distanced iPad painting workshop at Rancho La Zaca. We invite you to an all-inclusive* iPad painting workshop at our beautiful Rancho… Continue reading iPad Painting Workshop at Rancho La Zaca
Instagram 13 Jul 2020
In design, and life, it is often the history surrounding a piece that intrigue me most. Whether an antique with provenance, a family heirloom or a memento from a trip past. So when @verandamag did a deep dive into the storied journey of blue and white ceramics I was intrigued. I am sure you, like me, have a few of these dotted around the house. Curious how the design traveled from southern China? Discover in my stories! Photography by for @archdigest of @johnrosselli antiques in NYC.
Instagram 11 Jul 2020
This morning’s outing, across Meadowvale Road, toward the airport (hence the distant windsock) Santa Ynez. 9×12, oil on canvas. Started outdoors and finished in studio, as is is hotter than the hinges of hell here today…96 at this moment time for a dip. Y’all stay cool. And safe and well. . . . #pleinairpainting #pleinair #santaynezvalley #santaynez #francesschultzpaintings #francesschultzart #francesschultz
Instagram 11 Jul 2020
The thing I love about a bloody mary (and there are a lot of things) is you can stack an entire brunch on top of the boozy treat. And anything that allows for bacon and a beautiful presentation is all right in my book. This recipe by @halfbakedharvest is one of my favorites because of the unexpected addition of pineapple juice. Care to sip along with me? Find the recipe in my stories, cheers!
Instagram 8 Jul 2020
I’m working my way up to a little essay around this. Stay tuned … and be you.
Instagram 8 Jul 2020
I’m working my way up to a little essay around this. Stay tuned … and be you.