Time to star spangle the banner. if you’re having a big crowd, consider one long table. It’s a great look and you won’t worry about uneven seating at smaller tables – 14 crammed around one while two or three are at another, feeling unpopular. Pennant flags and big paper lanterns are a lot of look for the money…
Author: Frances
Letter From the Loire – Part 2
Ever wonder why the Mona Lisa ended up in France instead of Italy? One of the benefits of travel is you wonder about things like this instead of why you missed the first season of Game of Thrones.
Letter From the Loire – Part 2 Coming Up. Meanwhile… a Highlight
Visiting this marvelously whimsical folly (is that redundant?)–the Pagode de Chanteloupe– was a highlight of a recent, sometimes rainy, romp through the Loire Valley of France. Feast your weary eyes. Your not-weary eyes, too, of course.
Southerners and the N-Word, for the Record, Y’all
In some accounts there is the suggestion that because Paula Deen is from the so-called Old South, there may have been a time where it was acceptable to say n*****. Well I’m from the Old South, too, many generations of it, and it was never okay to say that word in our house. Never.
Letter From the Loire – Part 1
It was a dark and stormy castle… Ominously begins the sequel to “Wine, Women and Watercolors.” Week 2 of summer sojourn begins with the Principessa (aka Carolyne Roehm) and me flying from our painting workshop in porto Ercole to Paris to meet our menfolk and friends, and then to cycle around the Loire Valley…
Everything’s Coming Up Roses
Everything’s coming up roses… or it would if the damn sun ever stayed out. Still it is a joy to be at Bee Cottage for a bit. And as roses ramble, so does this post… Just go with it.
Little Life Enhancer: A Handy Way to Clean Dental Devices
Here’s a nifty little case for cleaning retainers and bleaching trays. You know how grotty they can get. It’s called a FreshKase, and you put your dental thingie in it and pop it in the dishwasher. Boom. $11.95. A good little travel case, too.
Hang Flowers on Your Wall – Ingenious “Epergne”
This ingenious “epergne” is something I saw several years ago and have thought of ever since. So simple and so charming. A sprig of grass, a few leaves, a blossom or two, and boom, you have a beautiful arrangement and a work of art.
Wine, Women, and Watercolors (and Roberto!) – Painting in Italy – Part 2
There is lots to show and tell–starting here with the finishing of Wine, Women and Watercolor (and Roberto!), and with the possibility of a sequel next year…
A Tale of Two Birthdays–Indoor and Outdoor Entertaining
Here are two dinner parties I hope you enjoy and are inspired by. One is outdoors in the olive grove at Rancho La Zaca, our home in California. The other is in the beautiful Manhattan apartment of my friend Carolyne Roehm.
Wine, Women, and Watercolors – Painting in Italy – Part 1
Ciao Bella! If you follow my friend la Principessa Carolyne Roehm , you may know that we and a gaggle of gals have spent the last week in Porto Ercole watercoloring… Between the eating, drinking, and cackling, we did manage a watercolor or two, and it was molto fun-o… Who says I can’t speak Italian.
Sidney Poitier Sums Up the Meaning of Life
Do you watch CBS Sunday Morning? It is the best thing on television, beating out even Downton Abbey in my book, though that’s not exactly an even comparison. Last Sunday morning I had it on while I was dressing–okay I wasn’t quite dressing I was just getting out of the shower, and there was Sidney… Continue reading Sidney Poitier Sums Up the Meaning of Life