Instagram 10 Mar 2016

How much do I love this book and this the most divine bathroom in the world?! The book is Patina Farm, by my friends Brooke and Steve Giannetti, whose art of living is beautiful, soulful, and authentic. I was lucky to write about this house for @verandamag a few years ago, and visiting them there was a day I will always remember. Watch for a few more posts highlighting this gorgeous book. Photos by the super talented @maxkimbee Brooke’s fabulous blog is @velvetandlinen

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Instagram 5 Mar 2016

“Man wonders, but God decides when to kill the Prince of Tides.” Pat Conroy, rest in the peace and certainty that you shared your gifts unstintingly with the world and enriched our literature and our lives with joy and meaning. Photo re-grammed from @charleston_daily

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Instagram 4 Mar 2016

Treat yourself and your teenagers to Manchester Girl this weekend in Los Olivos. You won’t “regret a minute spent in her company,“ said LA Times about this Edinburgh Fesitval Fringe Award winner. Says creator and star Sue Turner-Cray: “I decided to volunteer to perform at St. Mark’s in Los Olivos, as did my lighting and sound crew, Carl Mahoney and Oscar-winning film editor Richard Harris, to help our community deal with the challenges of growing up, of making painful choices, and then regaining wholeness after suffering seeming losses,” Turner-Cray said in a statement released by St. Mark’s. “I hope that these shows will inspire communication and empowerment.” St. Mark’s-in-the-Valley is located at 2901 Nojoqui Ave., Los Olivos. Tickets are $25 for adults, and free for youth. More information is available at 688-9533 or #whattodothisweekend #santaynezvalley #losolivos #manchestergirl #sueturnercray #tourdeforce #mustsee And then pop by and see Sue and her fabulous vintage boutique @sueturnercraythestylejunction in Los Olivos.

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Instagram 1 Mar 2016

My “Oscar dinner” table from above. Was just two of us so I didn’t bother to clear table of books and things. Flowers and a few votives made it sparkle. The napkin rings are silk flowers glued to grosgrain ribbon., which I did a hundred years ago. The result looks like more of an effort than it was. #tablescape #tablesetting #dinnerparty #dininglibrary

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