A #pagoda in the #bagatelle, Paris. A brilliant, sunny Premiere Mai after a week of rain. #garden #gardenfollies #follies #chinoiserie
Author: Frances
Instagram 30 Apr 2016
Love the Napoleonic #bees in Josephine’s robe in a petit point portrait of her at #malmaison . #needlework #needlepoint #petitpoint
Instagram 30 Apr 2016
Frances, Carolyne, and the rain at Malmaison… @carolyneroehm #malmaison #ithasrainedallweek
Instagram 30 Apr 2016
The bluest sky in France this week is In Josephine’s bedroom at Malmaison. #malmaison
Instagram 30 Apr 2016
Malmaison on a cloudy day. The home of Napoleon and Josephine, and then Josephine alone. #shegotitinthedivorce #malmaison
Instagram 29 Apr 2016
Tamgo roses at Mouile florist across the street frim our hotel, where my darlin’ friend and travel buddy @carolyneroehm did an”internship” a few years ago… C’est charmant… #paris #flowershop #tangoroses
Instagram 29 Apr 2016
One last shot of the Bibliothèque St Geneviève reading room. We were lucky to have seen the original drawings by designer Henri Labrouste and to have gotten our own library cards so we could stay and draw. #minedontlooklikelabrouste‘s #bibliothèquestgeneviève #henrilabrouste #paris #library #prettylight
Instagram 29 Apr 2016
The Panthéon through a window of the reserve rooms at the Bibliothèque St Geneviève, Paris. These rooms house the oroginal drawings and plans for the library, by Henri Labrouste. #pantheonparis
Instagram 29 Apr 2016
Instagram 28 Apr 2016
The beautiful gardens and sculpture at the Coubertin Foundation, near Paris. #coubertin #fondationcoubertin #sculpturegarden
Instagram 28 Apr 2016
Le chateau de la famille Counertin, no longer lived in by the family but housing the famous library of books on architecture, building, and craftsmanship, the raison d’etre of the Coubertin Foundation, school, and workshops here on the estate, just outside Paris.
Instagram 28 Apr 2016
From a bumpy cab on the Rue de Rivoli, toward Place de la Concorde. #prettylight #sunsetinparis #ruederivoli