Meet Giacomo Livingston Seagullio from Roma, posing on the terrace of the #portraitroma, with the Piazza Venezia and Vittorio Emanuele in the background. #seagulls #rome #piazzavenezia#vittorioemanuele
Author: Frances
Instagram 26 May 2016
The stately All Saints Anglican Church in the Via del Babuino, Rome. @randallday @billyhurbaugh #allsaintschurch #episcopaliansinrome
Instagram 26 May 2016
Love the desk with its leather blotter insert, vintage photos against the dark wall, and especially the slender nickel plated lamps. #portraitroma #ferragamohotels #rome #boutiquehotel
Instagram 26 May 2016
A chic, modern room at the Portrait Roma, the Ferragamo hotel in Rome. #needtounchopthosepillows #portraitroma #viacondotti #lungarnocollection #boutiquehotel
Instagram 26 May 2016
Love this Ladybird poppy at #chelseaowershow. In US of course we’d say “ladybug”. #ladybirdpoppy #ladybugpoppy #ladybug #ladybird
Instagram 26 May 2016
Sweet lovebird garden bench in Lisney outdoor sculpture booth at #chelseaflowershow #gardenbench #gardenseat #lovebirds
Instagram 25 May 2016
The extraordinary 300,000 hand crocheted poppies covering 21,000 sq ft on the grounds of the Royal Hospital Chelsea, as viewed from #chelseaflowershow, in tribute to war veterans and inspired by the previous #poppiesattoweroflondon. Created by gatden designer #PhillipJohnson.
Instagram 25 May 2016
Looks cool but tricky to mow. You’d need one of those newfangled mow-bot thingies. Do they call them #mowbots? More #chelseaflowershow fun. #grasssculpture #gardensculpture
Instagram 25 May 2016
Zantedeschia ‘Nashville’ won best new plant 2016, #chelseaflowershow. Gorgeous isn’t it?! #callalilies #zantedeschianashville #zantedeschia
Instagram 25 May 2016
So much to love at the Chelsea Flower Show, pleached hornbeams among them. #chelseaflowershow #pleachedhornbeams #parterre #showgarden
Instagram 24 May 2016
What a treat to visit the beautiful Ladbroke Square with new Instafriend @charmajestylinens and her darling friends. #Ladbrokesquare, at 7 acres, is the second largest private garden in London and lovingly cared for by talented garden designer Sarah ___, her volunteer committee, one fulltime gardener, and one helper. #londongardens #privategardensoflondon
Instagram 24 May 2016
William, Catherine, and Harry yesterday at the Royal Horticultural Society’s Chelsea Flower Show. Regram from @hrhprinceharryofengland. Photos from @tumbler