Stripes again in a chic bedroom of the Villa Tavernaccia, outside Florence. So much to love about this room. The way the walls are painted, the #blueandwhite stripied bedapreads, the #crisplinens and small pillows, the #redandwhite striped boxspring upholstery, and the red and white striped curtains. And dare i say the color scheme reminds me of the guest room and bath at Bee Cottage. Also just love the good fashioned twin beds, like my friend @janiemolsterdesigns. #blueandwhitestripes #redandwhitestripes #guestroom #twinbeds #wallpainting #villatavernaccia #tuscanstyle #tuscanchic #stripes
Author: Frances
Instagram 5 Jun 2016
Another pensive moment of shadow and light in this niche of the #villatavernaccia, where I could imagine sitting to scribble in my morning journal… Also love the painted striped wall… #shadowandlight #writingtable #stripedwalls #stripes #tuscanvilla #florence #tuscanstyle #italianinteriors
Instagram 5 Jun 2016
I love scenes from windows and am always delighted by the window scenes of @charlotte_annefidler. Here the Palazzo Corsini in Florence taken from the building where they store their citrus trees in winter. Dont know the Italian for “orangerie” and forgot to ask… #palazzocorsini #florence #tuscangarden
Instagram 5 Jun 2016
Charmed by this little enclave, a typical Florence cityscape, with the corner grocer’s flowers spilling out under the awning to frame the picture. #streetscene #cityscape #florence #italy #iwanttopaintit
Instagram 4 Jun 2016
And oh the delights that came from this wonderful kitchen and the brilliant Chef Simone Seghezzi. The freshest ingredients, simply prepared = the key to best Northern Italian cuisine, but works for everywhere! #villaTavernaccia #simoneseghezzi
Instagram 4 Jun 2016
Our lovely, simple table at La Tavernaccia. #villatavernaccia #florence #thebestinitaly #tablesetting #simpleelegance #dinnerparty
Instagram 4 Jun 2016
The golden glory of zucchini blossoms from the garden of “our” Villa Tavernaccia. A little cheese, a few herbs, a bit of batter, a bit of frying, and boom, hors d’oeurves (though not as photogenic) #zucchiniblossoms #yellow
Instagram 4 Jun 2016
Inside the Farmacia della Santa Maria Novella, the oldest in the world, and the most aromatic. #santamarianovella #florence
Instagram 4 Jun 2016
Candles burning in the Cathedral of Florence. #duomo #cathedralofflorence #florence #candles
Instagram 3 Jun 2016
The gorgepus silk porteres of the Palazzo Gondi woven with their coat of arms. The family dates to the 8th century. #coatofarms #greenandred #portere #palazzogondi #florence
Instagram 3 Jun 2016
After Five flights of stairs we arrive at the rooftop terrace of Palazzo Gondi, to be greeted by a violinist and this window framing the duomo. A bit to the right is the bell tower of the city hall… And surrounding is the smell of the jasmine adorning the walls. #pinchme #thebestinitaly #simonettabrandolini @simonettabrandolini #roomwithaview #florence #brunaleschisdome #duomo #cathedralinflorence #iwanttopaintit
Instagram 3 Jun 2016
The courtyard of the 15th century Palazzo Gondi has remained in the family all these years, restored by the current Marchese and Marchesa Gondi, who hosted our small group for dinner last night, as supporters of Friends of Florence. #Friendsofflorence #florence #palazzo #palazzogondi #tuscanelegance #courtyard #fountain