Haystacks along Foxen Canyon, Los Olivos, Ca. #theridehome #haystacks #foxencanyon #losolivos #santaynezvalley #santabarbarawinecountry #centralcoast #iwanttopaintit
Author: Frances
Instagram 15 Jun 2016
Cool misty morning back home in the Valley, with the meadow in bloom at Rancho la Zaca. This might make a pretty painting? #homesweethome #wildflowermeadow #guara #rancholazaca #foxencanyon #santaynezvalley #santanarbarawinecountry #centralcoast #losolivos #centralcoastcalifornia #iwantopaintit
Instagram 14 Jun 2016
Love starting the day with this positive message via my dear, wise friend @hollyejacobs this morning, whose #SilverPen never fails. Thank you, too, @stevenspielberg #wordsofwisdom #followyourbliss #singyourheartssong
Instagram 13 Jun 2016
First summer supper under the pergola at Bee Cottage. #afewfriendsfordinner #beecottage #entertaining #lovemyfriends
Instagram 12 Jun 2016
Feeling so flowery this day, couldnt resist one more poppy post, this from #Bridgegardens in #bridgehampton yesterday before the rain. #poppies #hamptonsgardens
Instagram 12 Jun 2016
The lily pond at Bridge Gardens, where I painted yesterday with @gardenspiritsny This lovely garden is a well-kept #Hamptons secret. #bridgegardens #bridgehampton #lilypond #waterlilies
Instagram 11 Jun 2016
My attempt at watercolor of the garden at Villa Tavernaccia, near Florence. Will try again this morning at Bridge Gardens in Bridgehampton. #practicepracticepractice #watercolor #tuscangarden #cypresstrees #italy #green
Instagram 10 Jun 2016
The roses at Bee Cottage are about to explode, and the climbing hydrangea finally bloomed… Everything is a little later this year due to the long, cool spring.
Instagram 9 Jun 2016
Omg so happy to be at #bee (cottage). Thought i’d better snap a pic of the dining room before it turns into art studio. #hellosummer #beecottage #thebeecottagestory #easthampton #diningroom #birdcage #birdcagechandelier
Instagram 9 Jun 2016
Boring ol’ bathroom wall benefits from butterflies. Not new but new to me – found in Italy but available anywhere, made by Umbra. #butterflyfriday #butterfly @umbra_ltd #umbra #bathroomwalls #bathroomwallart
Instagram 8 Jun 2016
Love how a simple thing like painting an antique cabinet’s interior gives a great dash of style and a new way to love #brownfurniture. This was in the dining room of #villatavernaccia near Florence. #italianstyle #tuscanstyle #purple #interiordetails #vignette
Instagram 7 Jun 2016
Good morning sweet pea. Just loving this exquisitely embroidered pillow from charmajestylinens/’ title=’Explore charmajestylinens on Instagram’ target=’_blank’ class=’ig-hash’>#charmajestylinens and wondering how this chair in my NY bedroom ever existed without it. Thank you again darling charmajestylinens/’ title=’More from @charmajestylinens on Instagram’ target=’_blank’ class=’ig-attribution’>@charmajesty charmajestylinens/’ title=’More from @charmajestylinens on Instagram’ target=’_blank’ class=’ig-attribution’>@charmajestylinens for our time together in London. Oh, and more stripes, these from @manuelcanovasparis #sweetpeas #stripes #details #embroidery