Instagram 10 Jun 2016

The roses at Bee Cottage are about to explode, and the climbing hydrangea finally bloomed… Everything is a little later this year due to the long, cool spring.

Categories Instagram

Instagram 7 Jun 2016

Good morning sweet pea. Just loving this exquisitely embroidered pillow from charmajestylinens/’ title=’Explore charmajestylinens on Instagram’ target=’_blank’ class=’ig-hash’>#charmajestylinens and wondering how this chair in my NY bedroom ever existed without it. Thank you again darling charmajestylinens/’ title=’More from @charmajestylinens on Instagram’ target=’_blank’ class=’ig-attribution’>@charmajesty charmajestylinens/’ title=’More from @charmajestylinens on Instagram’ target=’_blank’ class=’ig-attribution’>@charmajestylinens for our time together in London. Oh, and more stripes, these from @manuelcanovasparis #sweetpeas #stripes #details #embroidery