Monday morning, Bee Cottage, in memory of a beloved aunt, who loved flowers and gardens. Rest in peace dear Gray Clark.
Author: Frances
Instagram 26 Jun 2016
Celebrating this weekend the fabulous @juliaevansreed new book Julia Reed’s SOUTH #juliareedssouth. Regram from @leslietgj and beautiful setting @richard_keith_langham
Instagram 26 Jun 2016
Hollyhocks in Bee garden – but they’re not blooming yet this summer. Everything is 2 weeks behind… Watercolor by moi. #beecottage #thebeecottagestory
Instagram 26 Jun 2016
The end of an era. Headline grace à @netaporter via @thehollywoodreporterusa #billycunningham @pretareporter
Instagram 25 Jun 2016
Roses bustin’ out all over at Bee Cottage. #newdawnroses #climbingroses #beecottage #thebeecottgestory #easthampton
Instagram 24 Jun 2016
Summer hats, happy weekend. #beecottage #summerhats
Instagram 23 Jun 2016
Pretty light on the pond path, vineyard in the distance. The grapes are looking good this year. Even our tiny bit of rain helped tremendously – and a great relief after last year’s disastrous harvest. #rancholazaca #oaksavannavineyard #homesweethome #vineyard #santaynezvalley #losolivos #santabarbarawinecountry #landscape #iwanttopaintit #prettylight
Instagram 22 Jun 2016
Detail of orchids, roses, and birds in the breakfast room – previous post. #orchids #roses #ceramicbirds #vignette
Instagram 21 Jun 2016
Full moon, summer solstice, from our porch. You can just see the glint of the Air Stream behind the tree in the foreground. #rancholazaca #fullmoon #summersolstice #santaynezvalley #losolivos
Instagram 20 Jun 2016
Delphiniums glow in a lovely shaft of light on the dining table, a happy surprise since moving the table to this spot a few weeks ago. Love seeing it piled with some of my favorite books @carolyneroehm @eddieross @mrclintsmith @verandamag @sbseasons and #thebeecottagestory ☺️ #rancholazaca #losolivos #books #delphiniums #crowns Table from @dennisandleen
Instagram 20 Jun 2016
Agapanthus outside church today, in pretty light. At the end of the service the Rev. Randall Day read the names of all those killed last weekend in Orlando, followed by Bill Hurbaugh’s singing If We Only Have Love by Jacques Brel. Applause and tears. #stmarksinthevalley #losolivos randallday/’ title=’Explore randallday on Instagram’ target=’_blank’ class=’ig-hash’>#randallday #billyhurbaugh @randallday @billyhurbaugh #inmemoriam
Instagram 18 Jun 2016
Just a simple dinner at home… #rancholazaca