There is no butterfly that was not once a warm mess of caterpillar goo. And that caterpillar did not get from goo to gorgeous overnight, no she did not. But did she did fret over it? No. She embraced the cycle, as we can choose to do ourselves when change happens, as it does, whether we want it or not.
A gorgeous Swallowtail butterfly visited my so-called garden the other day (video here). It was a moment of delight but also got me thinking anew about the cycle of change and how we handle it, and about the retreat I’m co-piloting on this very subject at the Omega Center in August. Change is constant and part of what it means to be a living being in the world. We don’t pop out fully formed anymore than we transform instantaneously. Unless you are like a Disney character or something.
The caterpillar has no choice in the rhythm and timing of its change, but we humans do. Trouble is that often we choose to fret, or worse. You know the saying “Pain is inevitable but suffering is optional”? Fretting (or worse) is also optional, especially when we have the knowledge and tools to steer us toward peace and productivity and away from chaos and stress. The best part of my training with Martha Beck is sharing it with you. Fellow Master Coach Hollye Jacobs and I host our inaugural retreat “Finding Clarity in the Chaos” at the renowned Omega Institute, August 19-21. If you feel the call, answer! And get ready to spread butterfly wings of your own when the time is right.

BTW, if the August timing or location don’t work for you, but you want to hear your soul’s voice, Master Coach Angelene Price and I will host our third(!) Art of the Soul retreat October 6-8 at Rancho La Zaca in Southern California. We’d love to see you there, too. Space is limited, so if you are interested, read more here, and join us!
Questions? I’m always happy to hear from you. Connect with me here.
‘Til then, Buen Camino, Frances