What do bar fights, the Piggly-Wiggly in Tarboro, and spiritual connection have in common? Find out in my interview with Flower Magazine Editor-in-Chief Margot Shaw. When Margot asked me to do an online chat just for fun, I said I am all about just-for-fun.

I’m also all about Margot, who is the coolest, and I would do just about anything for her. It was also Margot’s wonderful way of supporting those of us with newish books to promote whose tours were basically cancelled. That would be me. And while I donn’t miss the airports and security lines, I do miss seeing and speaking with so many of YOU. So here I am, with Margot, speaking to her and to you, just for fun. Click here to watch, and I hope you enjoy it.
Btw, she also had a great chat with my dear friend and host-with-the-most Alex Hitz, whose book The Art of the Host has been a huge hitz (har har), and you can watch that here, and order his book here.
Until we meet again, keep cooking with California Cooking and Southern Style (order here if you haven’t already) and keep being your beautiful creative self. Do any- and everything just for fun, and wash your hands.
Blessings, Frances
Nice to hear from you Frances! I bought a Bianchi comfort bike for fun. Hope I don’t fall and break my neck!
Well good for you, it sounds fun! But do be careful!
Just reread Bee Cottage, find something new every time I read it!
Aww, thank you Anne.
Thank you Dear Anne – and I am guessing the something new you find is inside yourself! 😉