Packing Packing Packing. Bless my little OCD heart. On the one hand: Very Organized. On the other: Very Organized. And on the Other Other: Entirely Overthought. Which leads, occasionally, to overwrought. Which I recommend avoiding whenever possible.
I thought I could make it with three suitcases, two for clothes and one for art. But then, books. So there is a fourth, small one. But then, art supplies. They were so heavy that I thought better to put in another small bag, and I will leave that there for when I return. But just so you know, I could have squoze it into three, but I chose not to, not least of all because I am going to have to hoist these babies to and fro and probably more than once. And British Airways chose to charge me $200 extra for the extra.
One last observation: One tends to be overly optimistic about what one will actually accomplish on holiday and I am no exception. Alas. There is an argument that says “accomplish” and “holiday” might not belong together in the same sentence, but that is not my argument. Yet… Unless I accomplish nothing, in which case I have a fallback. Otherwise, here are…
A few tips:
- Focus on 2-3 colors, preferably that all work together, and an accent color or two. (Eg., navy/black – white/cream – khaki/olive + green 🙂 This goes a long way to keeping the shoe count low. I find shoes* are the most difficult things to edit. Be strong.
- Choose fabrics that are lightweight and wrinkle resistant. Silks, synthetics like viscose and rayon, microfibers are lightweight, low maintenance, and take up less room. Include a few prints because they don’t often show drips, blobs, wrinkles as obviously as solids.
- Scarves and shawls are versatile as accessories, take up little room, and can double as belts, blouses, sarongs, and skirts.
- Costume jewelry: One or two fun, fab pieces really can perk up the simplest ensemble. Necklaces especially.
- Packing cubes really do help compress foldable into compact little bundles and help keep things organized while traveling if you are not able to unpack completely. NB: Clothes do expand while traveling and take up lots more room on the way back home. This is well known.
- Pack a small first aid kit with tummy remedies, Benadryl, Band-aids, antiseptic cream, sleep aids.
- Pack vitamins and supplements in plastic bags with slips of paper inside saying what they are.
- Ladies, panty liners used daily keep undies fresher. Very handy.
- Pouches – separate for skin care and make-up, jewelry costume and good, meds, first aid, vitamins, hair things. I also take a separate for the plane that includes: hand sanitizer, moisturizing eye drops, “Ocean” saline nasal spray, silk eye shade, ear plugs, sleep aid, face cream, hand cream, lip balm, all in tiny containers.
- On longer trip I sometimes take a baby pillow with silk pillow case, just because it is comforting and yummy and squooshable.
- If you are checking, Apple air tags are a great idea. And for Apple alternatives, try here. (Thank you dear reader Susanna for suggesting!)
*A note about shoes: I cannot say enough about Rothy’s. They’re made partly from re-cycled plastic bottles (don’t get me started) and are lightweight, squooshable, and stylish as anything. And COMFORTABLE omg. My corns and I absolutely love them for travel. Btw, I have no connection to them but wish I did.

And when it’s all said and done, have cash on hand for a generous tip and pray for a porter with a sense of humor. And then join me without packing a thing on Instagram here 🙂
Godspeed, Frances

Have a wonderful month-looking forward to seeing the Cotswolds with you
Thank you Colleen! Happy to have you!
Looks good and you have everything you need and then some! Have a great month! Love you!
Thank you baby sister
Frances! Nothing better than a painting holiday! The clothing packing is less problematic than the painting kit & health & beauty & tech essentials! Books are over the top! Btw, does this packing differ from your walking trips?
Hi Suji! You speak the truth, although the painting kit becomes second nature – or at least that is what they tell me. One does learn to work with what one has…. As for this kind of packing vs walking trip packing, what is most helpful is knowing what you will be doing. The clearer your notion of that, the easier it is to prepare for it and therefore the less you need. It’s when you don’t know… Will I be invited to Lady Flossie’s tea? Will I go to the theater? Will I go horseback riding? Play tennis? What if it turns cold? Those are the eventualities one must decide whether or not to pack for… you know? Thank you so much for writing. It is great to hear from you! xox F
Well, of course you are remarkable and I am not even going on your trip. My way to pack is put everything out that you are going to take, then see if there is any room left. If there is, then pack some more. Or, if you are going on Tom’s plane, you can add another suitcase! I hope you had a good time, and I am keeping your blog so I can get better organized. Love always
Marilyn Holland
Dearest M, This of course is the fool proof method and highly commendable. And while private aviation does not solve all of life’s problems, it certainly makes many of them easier ;D. xox Frances
You are something else, Miz Frannie! No one in world like you. Packing for LA tomorrow so I so appreciate the tips. I love the end photo wiyh you at tailgate. Priceless.
As are you Miz Marshall. You have a wonderful trip. Will it be your first back to LA since you moved?!
Excellent packing tips!!!
High praise from the master organizer! Thank you my friend and partner!
Have a wonderful holiday!
What is your favorite luggage for a carry on, and also to check ?
Thank you!❤️
Hi Katharine! I think I’m still searching. It’s such a personal thing isn’t it. For super lightweight and stylish I currently like Lipault for carry-on and checked. But if you want to stack something on top of the carry-on, you will need to secure it to the handle because the Lipault is squooshy and has no perimeter frame to support it something on top of one of its sides. I also like the Italian Brics. I pack my art kit in London Fog, which is US made and very good.
Great advise and photos are keepers! If only I’d known then what I know now. Enjoy your trip!
Thank you Hadley! x
…fly from Manchester to Bermuda via connections through London and NY to join my husband who is marlin tournament fishing. Packing for cooler climate and then more tropical attire is tricky. I have already packed my plein air gig in a carry-on size even though it has to be checked. So I just want to take one more carryon which means wearing a loose Indian dress with my heaviest shoe on the plane. Definitely will be layering and quickly stripping when I hit sandy soil.
Hope you have a grand time! Why are you taking a tea kettle when you are traveling to one of the most renown tea party places on the planet?
Thank you Anna Ball! Sounds like you have it down, girl. Re the teapot, It’s for the plane and hotel room because I don’t like putting the bag in the cup, which is totally neurotic. I don’t always take it, but if I can, I do. It weighs nothing and I bought it in India for $1.
Wonderful post ! Love you !
Thank you dearest Serena and Queen Bee Packer yourself!!!… I’m only sorry I missed you here!
Oh fun! I will be traveling vicariously through you and looking forward to all your adventures!
Dear Frances, you are always a source of inspiration for me and I admire you profoundly.
As we speak I am packing for my first Camino trip. (One day I’ll make it to one of yours…)
Question: what socks and shoes do you recommend for the Camino? Do you use thick wool socks as they recommend?
PS: btw, I must tell you that I have a photo of you and your partner as my inspiration for stylish & practical Camino wardrobe.
Thanks in advance for your kind reply.
Dear Mari, thank you for writing and thank you so much for your kind words. We will look forward to your joining us one day! Meanwhile how exciting for you in preparing for your Camino! … Take my advice here with a grain of salt and absolutely do consult a great hiking/walking shoe expert for the last word because they will be up on the latest. I have found what works for me, which is a super comfy shoe with a v padded sole, such as Hoka or Brooks (but there are others). For socks I choose a medium to thinner thickness Smartwool. There are good microfibers out there too but Im less familiar. Good luck and lmk how it goes! Buen Camino,
Well, I have not been on one of your trips, but I hope someday. I’ve enjoyed reading both your stories and responses and being a novice at all this I’m wondering if you would tell me the secret to packing an oil plein air kit regarding the material being allowed on a plane . Clearly I have no experience with that, but I have a lot of experience with traveling overseas. Maybe you could give us a specific packing kit for that? Clearly you are the queen of taking these kinds of trips. Mine might be in the other direction to the Mediterranean where I often travel. The way I see it you need fewer colors (for Greece)–blue and white! LOL
Hi Eleni and LOL yes re the colors in Greece! … As for packing to paint in oil, you pretty much have to check that bag. Differing opinions on this but i think not worth the hassle of even trying to pack, let alone get through security. Small watercolor kits I get away with, but I’ve never attempted oils. Good luck and holler if you have more questions. Tim Horn has a v good photo and guide on his kit and there is lots online about this. X Frances
Thank you – great tips!
My pleasure Molly!
You’re very organized and stylish. I usually only do jeans, blazer and tees, sweaters and scarves. I hate International travel, even first class is tiring. That being said I do love being in England or Italy, they’re my happy places. Enjoy!!!
Hi Maureen! And you sound pretty organized and stylish yourself! Jeans, t’s, blazers and scarves always work! x Frances
Looking forward to your bringing light into my world. Many thanks, Priscilla
Priscilla, you are so lovely to write, thank you. Let us bring light together. Frances