Is anybody still giggling over the Affenpinscher Banana Joe winning the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show? Is anybody still wondering what the heck an Affenpinscher is and why this little black monkey dog was named Banana Joe? I reckon it is because monkeys like bananas, but the dog’s home is in Holland. Why didn’t they name him Banana Hans?
Well anyway the show is such a hoot and dog-lovers can just be nuts. Which is not to say a perfectly sane person would not want to commission a portrait of her dog(s). I’ve long wanted to share with you these wonderful paintings by Sarah Gayle Carter, just to give you a smile.
Take this fellow, for example. Solomon. He wears his name well, looking wise and biblical, and a bit world-weary.

And here is Sally. Sally likes pink.

This is Bailey the beagle. Don’t try to put anything past him.

And last but not least, Bena. As in knock-knock. Who’s there? Bena. Bena who? Have you Bena a good dog? She doesn’t look like she is entirely ready to answer that question.

If you find yourself wanting one for yourself or as a gift, Sarah takes commissions.
She also does beautiful landscapes in broad strokes and exciting, vibrant colors. I’ll show those to you another time, or you can see some on her website now, here.
For new readers, just so you know, all endorsements by are purely from love.
Oh, it’s the eyes…very expressive!
xo, Lynn
Not by any chance the same genius Sarah Gayle Carter from Richmond who designs the best rugs on earth?
Absolutely Wyndham the SAME! So much to say about Sarah. This will be the first of several posts. Thank you for the shout-out.
Love Sarah Gayle Carter’s style and use of COLOR!!!
Thanks for reintroducing Sarah! She designed fabulous rugs and now, doing gorgeous paintings. It’s good to know what she is up to these days. If I could only get Lauren Bacall to sit still long enough for a photo….
Hello Mary Clara! Not surprisingly Sarah has many fans of her many talents. As for the portrait, maybe you could catch Lauren Bacall while she is sleeping… Thanks for writing – so good to hear from you. xo Frances PS – Did everyone notice this gal’s last name? – CAPEL – as in the wonderful rug company. When she says Sarah designs fabulous rugs, she knows what she’s talking about.
I love these paintings!
Love these paintings!
OH MY>>wise Solomon…in the midst of a reread of A DOG’s PURPOSE…Cameron..where in the world would we dog lovers’ be? ..without dogs….
as always, your writings and updates make my day…thank you, Frances.
I love her paintings! I had done a few paintings of dogs that are family members and friend’s “babies”. These were all in watercolor and done for love, not money. These are so rich and colorful and express the personality of the pups. I really admire her work!
LOVE your blog and always loved reading about your precious Bee Cottage. You might remember me from your Richmond days?? It’s so great of you to give a shout out to Sarah…one of the most talented and fun women anyone could ever know! Aren’t the dogs just so colorful and special? Thanks for sharing with all of your readers!
Yes Thank you for sharing this . . Love it I will be looking in to her talents and sharing with others!
Oh, I love those little furry faces! Bena is my favorite, it looks as if she’s saying “I’m not gonna answer that question!” Your posts always make my day a little sunshinier!
Oh Frances what a fun post! Adore Sarah ~ Boy Howdy she knows rugs, ceramic tiles, bathing suits, color dogs & so much more. Oh & her wicked sense of humor you know is legendary! Love her Mama & sister Beth.
Thanks again Frances. Oh to be so talented! I couldn’t pick a favorite.