GOSH, we were excited about our “Clarity Begins at Home” workshop, and apparently you were too, because it sold out in three days. So we’ve opened a second, and we hope you will join.
In case you missed, and to save you the clicking back, here it is:
From January 8: The pandemic of 2020 has left even the fortunate among us weary and perhaps wondering if we are living/working/being in the world as we best could. We haven’t spent so much time at home since… ever. As a result, consciously or not, many of us have felt a connection between home, self, and our sense of well-being. Many of us cleared clutter and re-invented spaces better to support our lives, and wow, we felt happier! We felt calmer, more focused, and boom, we are on to something powerful: Tapping into the connection between our living space and our life can be life-changing.
Enter Barbara Reich, NYU MBA and world class organizer. Barbara and I met and worked together in 2013 in NYC. Since then we’ve forged a friendship and have long discussed the idea of the home as an underpinning of emotional well-being (what my book The Bee Cottage Story is all about!). Now Barbara and I combine our respective wisdom and expertise to guide you to create the home and life that are purposeful and fulfilling for you.

What is tidy and what is cluttered? Tranquil or chaotic? Lively or lackluster? What are you weary of? What do you long for? And how will you navigate your life in 2021 and beyond? If these are questions you’d like to explore in a fun and fascinating adventure, Join Barbara and me in this life-changing four-session virtual workshop, Clarity Begins at Home. You’ll gain personal and spiritual insight along with world class practical advice and one-to-one coaching for real life solutions and tools you can use forever.

Meanwhile whet your appetite via The Spruce and their 23 Instagrammers to follow for personal organization. Note that our workshop is not about organizing per se, but about how your home is a reflection of your Self. But organizing helps everything. Just sayin’.
Interested? Click over to Workshops, here 🙂 and tarry not; space is limited and tends to fill quickly.
When NEW DATES: Tuesdays, February 23, March 2, 9, and 16, from 1 to 2:30 EST (10 to 11:30 PST)
Where: Zoom. We’ll send you a link before each session
To register: Go to Workshops, here. You go girl.
Questions? Email me Inquiry@FrancesSchultz.com or Barbara@Life-Organized.com
I want to do this one love Serena xx
Yes!! We will schedule another soon! X