Around May of this crazy ass year, a funny-as-in-haha-funny friend of mine was talking about how long it had been since her last pedicure, root touch-up, Botox, et cetera—and she ended with, “I’m kind of excited to see what I really look like,” which sounded even funnier with a Texas accent, which she has. And I was like “Right?!” Though honestly I just looked older and shaggier. But it did introduce me to a metaphor, and you know how I love metaphors.

What do I really look like inside? Who am I really? Back in March I posted about our universally shared predicament HERE, acknowledging the tragedy and suffering that have now reached depths most could never have fathomed. Yet, I also considered our collective opportunity to reassess our lives and ourselves, and I quoted the old Japanese haiku: “My barn has burned down, and now I can see the moon.” Many of you responded, which was touching as well as heartening, and I am eager to hear from you again. Now nine months later, ironically the human gestational period, my question is what did you see in the moon? How did you view it? How did its light reflect your own?
I’ve thought about my own “light” and where it is needed, and how I could bring my light to the world. I also realized more about how I need the light of others, not always easy to admit. Like for instance: zinnias. I planted 4 gillion, that is gillion with a G, zinnia seedlings in March. You know how many grew? Zero. That is zero with an 0. I don’t even want to talk about it.

Back to the point: For several years I had toyed with the idea of taking Martha Beck’s life coach training, not so much (or so I thought) to be a life coach (because I thought that sounded flaky), but to learn more about myself, to clean up my own act (no small task), to gain clarity of purpose, and to light my own path. But the nine-month commitment and serious expense of it gave me pause. When my friend and Frollye partner Hollye Jacobs called to say she was considering it—without knowing that I was too—I took it as a sign and took the plunge. The course started in March, right along with the lockdown. It was too portentous.
Now here I am nine months later, a “graduate” and life coach (maybe lifestylecoach suits better?) with a small roster of private clients and a handful of workshops in the planning. Turns out guiding others to their own light and helping them discover how to bring it to the world is an absolute HOOT. It is also a privilege, an honor, fascinating, and fun.

It feels like a natural direction begun with the writing of The Bee Cottage Story, whose last sentence was “My wish for you is a home you can be yourself in, and a Self you can be at home in.” Now I’m working to help others find their capital S Selves, to declutter their lives, to clear their own paths, to sing their hearts’ songs, to bring their light to the world. One of my favorite quotes is from theologian James Thurman, who said, “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go do it. What the world needs is people who have come alive.”
Soooo… if this interests you, or you’d like to hear more about working with me one-on-one, or in a to-be-announced virtual workshop, click here for the CONTACT page, and I’ll get back to you personally.
Rainbows, Blessings, and Grace to you in the New Year,
The “contact page” and the “click here “ is not working. HELP!!
Hi Rosemary! They seem to be working now, so please try again. Be sure to scroll down the page to access the actual form. If I don’t here from you, someone will email you directly. Thanks for your interest, and your light 😉 Frances
Darling Frances,
If was wonderful to hear of your huge accomplishments, even in the face of pestilence and doom. Not surprised, mind you, as you are always one to delight, amaze and inspire!
Wonder, is 72 is too old to take on a coach? Lord knows, all those well meaning souls who tried to get me to “go out” so they could coach me in athletics. Heck I didn’t even ”go out” for recess.
I head to the Washington Arts and Antiques Show week after next for what may be my last hurrah on the speaking circuit. Charlotte Moss, Tom Savage, James Farmer and me. Of course it has to be virtual.
I am so eager to get you here as a speaker at Reynolda House Museum of American Art while I am still on that board. I chaired it last year and we raised enough to restore an allee of 74 mature weeping cherries to their 1917 positions in the Charles Barton Keene plan. Guess who is chair of buildings and grounds?
Let’s please stay in touch! Thinking of retiring but when work is as much fun as mine is, why bother?
Love and happiest wishes to you and His Significance,
Dearest Chip,
Love this and you always make me (and everyone!) laugh. I know you slayed them in Washington; and while you are a mighty tough act to follow, I would love to come speak at Reynolda House.
Love to you and thank you so much for writing,
Love love love your post. You have been a life coach all along. And you are going to rock on this new venture! All the best in 2021!
Dearest Barbie! So good to hear from you. Thank you for your kind words and for your light. I trust you are safe and well. Happiest of New Years to you, love, Frances
Hi Frances met you at your lovely Bee Cottage and loved your book. Virtual workshop could be of interest. Keep me posted if a dare is set. Happy New Year
Irene! So nice to hear from you, and I remember you! Delighted you’d be intrested in a workshop and please watch this space for news! Happy New Year and blessings to you, Frances
Frances, I became your fan through Hollye Jacobs, and I became Hollye’s fan through my sister Anne Towbes. I’m a writer, b. Have based in MI and FL, and have been all my career. During the pandemic I’ve written my third book, this one about my art collecting adventures. But enough about me. Just want you to know I totally enjoy your posts, your photography, your humor and artistic talent. Wishing you well on your future as a life coach. You’re a woman of many talents and a blessing to even more. Godspeed. XoS
Dear Suzy, This is the nicest thing, thank you for your kind words and your auspicious connections, and I want to hear more about YOU and your next book! I hope our paths will cross one day. Thank you for your light, Frances
Hi Francess! Would love to receive emails from you.
You got it, John! Thank you! Frances
Beautiful announcement, Frances! Good luck with your work. It makes me happy to see your light shine!
Thank you dear Sheila!
Frances, I am finally finding the time to read this fabulous post! Congratulations on your new endeavor. You will be spectacular at it and will lead and brighten many clients’ paths. Happy 2021!
Thank you so much Kristin! Brightening the paths of others is my most fervent hope. x Frances