Well bless my Cowboy. Slave to fashion that he is, he liked yesterday’s post on Parisian Chic and Ines de la Fressange and sent it to a few of his friends. One of them was the journalist Jesse Kornebluth, who is huge. Also gracious, as it turns out, nice enough to write and say he liked my review and I might like to read his.

I wrote back that I liked his more. So here, Jesse Kornbluth’s review of Parisian Chic. He knows all kinda stuff, including fascinating bits about the lovely Ines’s aristocratic heritage. I love all that.

Now do yourself a favor and sign up for Jesse’s blog, Head Butler.com. It is a revelation. Like reading Vanity Fair from cover to cover without actually having to. He also writes for Vanity Fair, btw. Minus the million-word celebrity profiles, Head Butler is a go-to source and highly discerning arbiter of popular culture, telling you which books, films, music and so forth are really worth it. We are all, as he says, drowning in media, and his blog is just the life raft I was looking for.
As happens, I am constantly discovering others’ blogs in the course of writing my own. (Grateful!) And as we were on the subject, there’s a very cool one called A Femme d’un Certain Age written by journalist Tish Jett, an American living in France, giving her perspective on the French perspective, if you follow me.

Another called The Simply Luxurious Life, written by a snappy Shannon Ables, had a swell post on Parisian Chic when it came out last April, and I’m very keen to read more about her take on things simply luxurious. What’s not to love about that?

Bless that Cowboy’s heart. Love him. Love you!
Loving your blog Frances! I can just imagine your accent and dramatic flair as I’m reading it. Just went to Head Butler and added it to my favorites. You MUST check out the video he has posted today of “Neil Young” and Bruce Springsteen singing “Sexy and I Know It” on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon — hilarious!!!
I am ready to take on the day. Merci!
Thank you very much for mentioning The Simply Luxurious Life. Ines’ book is a resource for style and traveling in Paris that I felt fortunate to review. A wonderful book to have on hand, thank you so much for sharing. 🙂
Dear Frances,
Thank you so very, very much for mentioning me on your extraordinary site. I am exceedingly flattered.
Warm regards,
Frances Thank you so much for sharing the book entitled “Parisian Chic”. I went to our local bookstore in downtown Boise and special ordered. I should have by next week. I am looking forward to reading and enjoying Parisian Chic and adding to my Fashion collection. Karen Louise
Karen, you are so welcome! I’d love to hear your take on it when you’ve had time to read it. I have to confess that some of her “don’ts” are things I “do” all the time! Namely to wear “outfits” and “bling” – the truth is like ’em both. 😉 In moderation of course.
I had already read Jesse’s article on Ines and now yours’ which is just as wonderful – but I am biased as a big Ines’ fan..
May I be bold and recommend my own little article on Ines last month? Here is the link
Absolutely Saskia, and thank you for writing. I look forward to reading yours! All good wishes to you.
Thank you Frances, I love your site, will come back regularly!