My mother once said casually, but as if bestowing the greatest compliment, “Texas people are cute; they’re a lot like people from North Carolina.” Yes, I answered, but they have better jewelry. They have ranches, too. People in Texas have ranches like people in North Carolina have azaleas.

His Grace and I were lucky to be invited again this year to visit longtime Houston friends who have a place in South Texas. Their middle name is Hospitality; and that’s an understatement. We were there ostensibly to shoot, but the real point is to visit and have a good time. People from Texas are very good at that. His Grace is originally from Iowa, but he’s picked it up–having a good time, that is–like a native. We Tarheels are pretty good ourselves. More on that tomorrow, but meanwhile, enjoy the scenery:

Oh my gosh! Those pictures are beautiful! Thanks for sharing, especially for those of us stuck here in Atlanta where we have not seen the sun for days!
Such light in the world of sky .so like what I am seeing in the sea at key Biscayne