You know all those pretty ribbons and wrappings you save just in case? Make a necklace with one of those ribbons and a brooch or other bauble–a pretty ornament even–for a festive spin on your holiday adornment. If the ribbon is long, tie it in a bow and let the streamers float gracefully down your back. Be-ribboned necklaces are eminently adjustable and can be worn at choker length or longer. The hunkier the piece, the farther down it can hang. Experiment in the mirror. Proportion is all.
If you have a little Miss Fancy Pants at home, let her choose an ornament from the tree to wear as a necklace to church or to a party–and then don’t quibble with her choice. Magnanimity is all.

In sympathy: My heart and prayers go out to the families and friends of Corinne and Jeff Buckalew, their children Jackson and Meriwether, and Jeff’s colleague Rakesh Chawla, killed when their plane crashed December 20 in New Jersey, en route to visit family in Georgia. The Buckalews were my friends and neighbors in New York.