If you are like 99 per cent of the moms out there, you’ve promised your child(ren) you’d bake cookies together, and you swore you wouldn’t get the damn slice-and-bake because, like, how lame, but you probably will because baking from scratch is too much trouble and and and… but now it isn’t.
(Second post this week for cookies, I know; but hey, it’s cookie season – and I couldn’t resist this one.)
The Mason Jar Cookie Company puts it all in a jar, and you add your own butter, an egg, and maybe some milk or vanilla. (Don’t worry–it’s all in the instructions.) And boom: homemade from scratch! Totally so much better, and they assure me there’s still time to order for Christmas and Hanukah. But hurry.
My friend Nina Rumbough* wrote the other day about this gift idea, and I loved it. You will too, whether or not you’re a baker, because it’s foolproof. You custom design your own cookie, and they send the basics all in a Mason jar with a cute little label – which you also customize.
The website is great and works like a charm. You choose from a cookie base of sugar, chocolate, peanut butter, or oatmeal. Then you add up to 3 ingredients choosing from candies, nuts, and dried fruits. I was torn between toffee, pecans and dark chocolate or dried cherries, walnuts and dark chocolate – both with the chocolate cookie. I chose the latter. They also offer ingredients any adult with a palate would find revolting and therefore which children would adore, such as Cap’n Crunch and jelly beans.
According to PR Director Kaitlin Walsh, the company was founded by two fellows who work for the entrepreneurial enterprise ClearMetrics, “a digital agency that specializes in ideas and engineering,” and that allows employees time each week to work on their own projects. Well here it is. You can read their story on the Mason Jar Cookie Company website. Let’s hear it for entrepreneurs, even if they do put jelly beans in their cookies. Okay especially if they put jelly beans in their cookies.
When you order, use the code TENOFF for a 10 percent discount! All right!
*Photographer Nina Rumbough deserves her own post and shall have it, but meanwhile see her beautiful photographs of leaves, flowers and shells at NinaRumboughPhotography.com. Another great gift idea, come to think of it.
YUMMY! I’m ordering today. Thank you for this! xx
Totally brilliant! Thank you. You just made my day so much easier!