If you are ready to tap into your inner potential and to take deliberate action (and you live near Connecticut ;), then this is your day. Come to play your “woman card” (sorry, couldn’t resist) with strong, inspiring women in a lovely and intimate setting at this Women’s Leadership Retreat on May 11 in Glastonbury, near Hartford.
If you are in the Connecticut area, and so inclined, we’d love to have you. Below is a snippet from the website. Sounds pretty exciting, doesn’t it… Click here for more info.

I have worked personally with Life & Legacy Design Mentor Marge Piccini, creator of this conference, and I have much to thank her for in my journey of self discovery and in the pursuit my life’s work and love.
Here is an excerpt from the brochure, featuring moi and what I’ll be speaking about at the conference. But there are other women speakers and panelists, as well as the fabulous Marge herself.

And just so you know, I receive a stipend for speaking, but do not otherwise participate in the commerce end of things. In other words, I don’t get a cut of registration fees or anything. This is just a great opportunity, and I wanted you to know about it. And of course I’d love to see you there. Details, here.
Love Frances Schultz. Her book was terrific. What a wonderful retreat. Pity I don’t live closer!
Awww, thank you dear Jen! it IS a pity you don’t live closer, but maybe our paths will cross one-a these days. Meanwhile, I am so happy to have discovered your blog. You are a terrific writer, funny and real, and we are the luckier for seeing your “Lovely Side of Life.” Readers, if you don’t know ReadJenLawrence.com, do treat yourselves. xo Frances
Frances, You told us (a few months ago) to listen to our intuition and watch for signs if we are in a muddle. I have been practicing your suggestions, and now I am signed up to attend this fascinating event. I can’t wait. Linda
Well BRAVA Linda! I look forward to meeting you. We will have a wonderful day. Blessings, Frances