School’s out for summer, but it won’t be long ’til it’s in again and time to decorate your (or your child’s) dorm room or apartment, or maybe you just want to freshen up a bedroom for summer. Oh, and you want a designer look, but not the designer. (No offense to, like, the 85% of my friends who are designers, but we can’t take you EVERYwhere, you know?) Two clever North Carolina gals have started a “luxury dorm brand” called LeighDeux, because both of their names are Leigh. Cute. And so are their designs.

Leigh Goodwyn and Leigh-Ann Sprock, based in Charlotte, N.C., set out to fill what they saw as a void in the marketplace for “chic interiors designed to fit the dorm space,” says Goodwyn.
Not that dorm rooms aren’t chic. What was it Elsie de Wolfe said about cinderblocks and linoleum?
Absolutely nothing is what.

You can even double up on the headboard pillows, and deploy the “Curtain Call” bedskirt to hide a world of sins and stuff. Even the odd boyfriend you snuck into your room.
Not that you would do that.
No, certainly not.
Okay once…

“But it’s great for home, too,” says partner Sprock. “Want to freshen up your beach house? It’s designer quality in a fraction of the time.”

But wait. There’s more. A percentage of every sale goes to scholarships, says Goodwyn. Funds were awarded this past spring to two deserving UNC students, both of whom are starting entrepreneurial efforts of their own. “We want to make more than chic dorm décor. We want to make a difference.” Well, brava.

Sold online and through a team of campus reps across the country, says Goodwyn, “All of our products are made from 100% organic cotton, sourced locally, and manufactured in the Carolinas.” Love that, and love the idea of the campus reps. Entrepreneurs begetting entrepreneurs. And slightly more glamorous than selling mums at homecoming, which my own sweet husband His Grace did. He would have much preferred LeighDeux, because he would have met more girls that way.

There are many fabrics and designs…

…and aside from those genius headboard pillows and “curtain call” bedskirts, the pieces include lamps, duvets, bolster and throw pillows, ottomans (ottomen?), hanging hamper-y things, and a sort of soft-serve version of a slipper chair. Many pieces can be monogrammed. Or you can just monogram your wall. Which I never thought of. I love it.

Prices range from $45 for pillows, to $115 for lamps, to $201, for a monogrammed headboard pillow. Not $200, not $202, but $201 😉 I only tease people I like.
Read more and shop the LeighDeux store here. And, as ever, all posts on are for the love and non-remunerative.
P.S…. News bulletin from the Department of Shameless Self Promotion: The Bee Cottage Story (more info here) is going into a second printing, like, gulp, already. Wowowow. So excited and so grateful to all of you for your support. Thank you.
Frances, a Saint Mary’s alumna, who was a cheerleader at UNC, recently graduated from UNC, moved to Charlotte, and is working for LeighDeux. Thought you’d want to know that SMS girls still have style! Hugs to you.
My BEE COTTAGE to arrive on the 1st. Cannot wait!
xoxo and much success,
Thanks! Sending to college sons girlfriend and sister right now!
Xo, Lissy
That headboard pillow is truly genius! Definitely one of those “why didn’t I think of that?” moments!!!
Isn’t it?! But could so easily be adapted/copied/simulated… but their price hard to beat.
wish i’d had this stuff in 1997…. at UWF, life would have been bearable instead of looking prison chic.
anxiously awaiting your book Frances.
ha! I hear you, Sonya. So much great design around these days. I was lucky to have a roommate whose mother was a brilliant seamstress. We were the envy of St. Mary’s! xox F
Thanks for the shout out to Martha– it will make her day
The FIRST Martha Stewart. How I love her, and you, F
Oh my gosh ….. If this had been around in 2001 when our daughter was a freshman at Georgia my life would have been so……… Easy ! Moving day was 400 degrees in the shade and got all the Stuff in the dorm and nothing fit … These girls are fabulous !!!
Back at you girlfriend !!! Big hugs
I had to smile at the beautiful rooms and the great ideas! Mostly because sending a son off to college is SO different than a girl. I asked James-“You and Tyler want matching comforters?” He just glared at me-“MOM!” and rolled those cute deep set eyes. Give him Spotify, a computer and oh yeah I guess clothes, towels, a couple choice movie posters and the fridge and he’s good. Not half as much fun, but certainly easier and less costly. (-: 2nd edition!!! You rock! I await my SIGNED first edition with baited breath! Can’t wait to show you off. xo-Leslie b
Yes Miss Leslie, Boys are different creatures for sure, God bless them. And thank you for kind words about book… Be sure you read Acknowledgements when yours arrives. Just sayin’… xo F
Oooooh, that tangerine and hot pink room, those colors make my heart happy! And the headboard pillow? Oh, my!
Hi, Frances!
Have only had a chance to glance at your precious book, but DID see the picture of you at Caroline Clark’s wedding. I was there, too!! It was THE prettiest and fanciest wedding I had ever been to! Even remember getting a piece of cake in a box to put under my pillow! Carolyn and my mother were first cousins, so I went to all the Clark girls’ weddings. Small world, isn’t it?
Would you be at all interested in a book signing at Erika Reade in Atlanta?
Take care, Susan
Dearest Susan, how funny! I think I knew you were there but had sort of forgotten that we have a familial connection – though you are through the Huffines side, I think? Yes those girls all had wing-ding weddings. I thought being in Caroline’s was about the grandest thing ever. Not saying much when you are 3, but I still feel that way at, let’s just say now. 🙂 Thank you so much for writing, and of course I would love to do a signing at Erika Reade! xox Frances
Love this !! Love the colors and patterns !!