Here is one last look at Cuba, in my simple, scribbled drawings. If you said your 5-year-old could do this, you’d be correct.

It doesn’t worry this “artist” (liberal use of the term) in the least. For years I have kept little sketchbooks of my travels and I find they amuse me as much as any memento I collect. Beats a t-shirt, anyway.

When you look at something to draw it, it engages you in a way that is different from photographing or writing about it, and that changes your experience of it – whether you notice something you wouldn’t have otherwise, or you appreciate its craftsmanship, or you’re just inspired by its beauty.

Most often the drawings are (very) quick line sketches, sometimes done from a bus or car, or during a walking tour, or waiting in line.

Then when I have time I go back and splash a little watercolor over them.
Sometimes in the sketchbook I’ll glue in ticket stubs, or bits of a brochure, or a wine label. But mostly the little books are filled with scribbled impressions, bits of info I find interesting, and these silly drawings.

I don’t try to record every detail or history lesson. When asked why she didn’t keep a journal, Jackie Kennedy once replied, “I’d rather live my life than record it.” Here here.

And yet – it is fun to have reminders of fond memories and fun adventures, and this is – to quote my new friend and Silver Pen blogger Hollye Jacobs – how I roll. And btw, see (click on) her posts on our Cuba trip if you haven’t already.

What do you do to record your travels or special occasions or adventures?

I’d love to hear – and to share it with other Belle Sisters readers.
I love your drawings, very playfull & lite. It sounds like you’ve fallen in love all over again, with CUBA! I am dying to go there. You should check out the latest edition of CIGAR AFICIONADO. There cover story HAVANA was writen by David Savona, and is very good. Also check out the photographer ROBERT POLIDORI and his book HAVANA. Wonderfull interior shots full of decaying glorious color.
Take care and let me know what you think!
Thank you David! Not in love exactly, but certainly charmed. 🙂
Brava Frances!! So fun to see these after watching you sketch away on the trip….you sketched some of my favorite spots!! xoxo
These are amazing. My views exactly as one of your traveling companions. Wish I had thought of illustrating but I can barely use a camera let alone a pencil. I would also like to steal your comment “not in love exactly but certainly charmed” when describing the trip to my friends. Perfectly put. Miss you
Thank you for this wonderful series. I have laughed and cried, so many memories, long repressed, but still there, still there. Loved the drawings, especially the one of Obispo Street, I remember those buildings and curvy archways!